
Emma's Refusal to Eat

This is after a long day of no naps. She's been doing this thing where she won't eat in her chair so this night, we kept her in her chair till she ate something...but this is what happened!


  1. Ah . . . I remember plenty of those moments with Taylor. Hopefully, she'll start napping again!!!

  2. Why are kids so darn stubborn? Geez... just take your darn naps and eat!!

  3. Emma and Eric would get along great! It's been so hard getting him to eat lately! That's so funny, I thought for a second there she was going to hit her head.

  4. Seriously, that is so funny! How did you keep from laughing out loud? She is so cute!

  5. That is so classic! She is so cute. She'll love that when she's older.
    Bryn is getting pickier too (but not this stubborn!) but obviously if they don't want to eat there isn't much you can do about it!
    hahaha. That is the greatest thing I've seen in awhile.

  6. Too cute! Hey, if they get hungry enough they will eat right?!

  7. That is great! Those days with no naps are so hard, but its nice when they fall right to sleep that night! So funny!
    How did you put the video on?

  8. Oh man, she kept fighting it. That is funny. Emma must love naked time, she never has any clothes on!

  9. That looks so painful. I hate being that tired. And yet, so funny.


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