
Zimmerman Zoo!

Well we prolonged Emma's real birthday fun till Saturday. We went to the zoo hoping she'd love it since she loves animals. Well I was right! She had so much fun!

This is her all excited looking at the Bears...
I think the monkey was her favorite.
It would make the loudest noise and she'd just start laughing.
Loved the "cats" as well.
The petting zoo was a lot of fun for her too. She loved to brush their fur.THis is her feeding the goat dirt.
OH the Elephant. Right when she saw it, she went frrrrrrr just like an elephant..she loves to make that noise.
She was just very excited to see all the animals in person. We saw lots more but these were the highlights!


  1. How fun. We had zoo passes but didn't use them that often. Usually because Craig couldn't come and for some strange reason I really wasn't up to going to the zoo with all the kids by myself!

  2. She is so darn cute! I love the first picture you have of here with her big smile! You have the most beautiful girls!

    p.s. and why does everyone have this crazy word I have to figure our on their blogs. Am I missing out on something.

  3. Love the zoo. So glad that Emma had a good time. Hopefully you bought a pass. We loved ours and went quite a bit.


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