
Happy Birthday Emma!!

Emma is officially 2 years old today! To be honest, I didn't even realize that her birthday was coming up till like Sunday so I didn't really prepare her or myself for today. But I just made the day a big deal and fun for her. Here's the 411 on what we did today:Good Morning Emma and Happy birthday!! She woke up nice and early this morning, around 7:30.
Today was playgroup so we bought doughnuts and chocolate milk for everyone. It was a lot of fun, as it is every week, for both moms and the kids. Here is Emma sitting in "Bradley's" chair. She went and sat in that seat and looked over at Linsay Jarvis and said "HI!" was really funny and cute!
Here is Emma and I at Playgroup. Just a couple of hotties if you ask me ;)
Home from playgroup, Emma actually took a nap! (thank goodness!!!) and is now watching her Favorite show, Charlotte's Web. I just love how she's sprawled across the floor. But her lovely Aunt Jenny gave Emma this movie as a "you got a new little sister" gift and she watches it like twice a day...she loves it!
Later this evening, after Joe got home, we decided to hit the park since that is Emma's favorite pasttime. Raymond Rimkus Park just remodeled their playgroup so we headed over there and I love what they did to the place! I have to mention this to all you who've moved...look how awesome it is! PS anyone who wants to do Park Days, let's go in the morning here. I jsut can't get past how great the park is now. So here are some pics of Emma playing in the park.
She loves to swing!!

Hello up there!
Here's Kate chillin' in my arms, enjoying the outdoors
Give me my DOGGIE!

Is this a huge slide or what!?
And of course, as always, Kate just sits back, smiling. I LOVE her smile and giggles that she does! She's become an expert at it since she seriously is the most expressive, happiest baby ever. She'll smile at my voice when i'm across the room! This is how content this child's got to be all the fat...

Here's the birthday girl's cake. I have a mini pan that I used...

I love her look in this one...she's like, What is daddy doing!?

Hmmm what is this?

Well it was a very productive day! I feel accomplished when I have days like this!
Just one other funny story that happened today. I was on the couch holding Kate when she decided to poop a huge poop. It leaked onto my pants and all over the place. So I had to strip down, clean off Kate and get her changed then go and try to get poop stain out of my pants. Minutes later, when I come back into the living room, Emma is sitting in front of Kate. She has taken Kate's diaper off, has taken a few wipes out and "used" them and was now attempting to put the Balmex that's on her finger onto Kate's Bum. Trying not to laugh, I was like, Emma, what are you doing?! She looks at me and says, Kate diaper change. It was the funniest, cutest thing ever! I have no idea how long she's been observing me when I change Kate's diapers but she had it down to a T! I love my Emma Beth so much! What would life be with out her! I am truly blessed to have her apart of my family. What a special, beautiful girl I have! Happy Birthday Honey Bunches of Oats :)


  1. Happy Birthday Emma! You cute girl. I can't believe you're 2 alread. Such a big girl!

    I'm so happy they redid that park. It NEEDED to be redone along time ago!! Looks like a lot of fun.

    Glad you and a good day Emma.!

  2. Ok...that is the best park ever! I wish we had one like that for us to go to! I also love Emma and her doggie! They can not be seperated and it cracks me up. And last but not least..such cute pics of Kate!
    And of course Happy Birthday Emma!!

  3. Wow, look at those hotties! Happy Birthday again Emma! I'm so glad we got to spend a little time with the birthday girl yesterday! She is so cute and fun! I can't believe she is two already! And I agree about park days! I need to put that in the playgroup so we can go check out the new park! Well, I hope she enjoyed her day!

  4. Happy Bday EMMA! oh, and I posted the info on the comments part on the Gymnastics thing. And I agree park days would be like having playgroup twice a week!! FUN for everyone!

  5. Happy Birthday Emma!! She's getting so old, crazy. I'm glad you guys have had a good day and that Kate is doing so good too. Which park is that you go to?

  6. Happy Birthday to Emma! It sounds like it was a great day, minus the stained pants. The girls are just too cute.
    Love the park by the way. It needed to be done, and I'm glad it was done while you are there to enjoy it.

  7. Happy Birthday Emma! I enjoyed the play by play of her big day. So cute that you can see her swimsuit tan! :)
    Kate is looking so big (old). When did that happen?!

  8. Happy Birthday Emma! I'm glad she had a blast at the zoo. That's what we did for Caleb's second birthday, too. He loved it.

    And HOLY COW Raymond Rimkus Part is AWESOME! I'm so bummed they finished that AFTER we left! When we come visit we'll have to make a playground run. Sheesh!


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