
invitation and cards

Me and some friends threw a shower for another friend. I made these adorable shower invitations for her. Her nursery colors were pink and orange.

I have so many friends having babies so there are always showers! Here's a card for another friend's shower
And this last one I made for a good friend's birthday!
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  1. You are so stinkin' talented. I love all of your cards! I want to have a shower just for you to make me some. :-) Thanks for the compliments on my hair. I was so nervous to cut it back in March and then I cut it again (even shorter) a couple of weeks ago and just about gave Tyler a heart attack. What is it with men and long hair? Oh, and my mother in law made all the bridesmaids dresses. Is she talented or what. Every bridesmaid's dress was just a little different. Like mine was the only with a ruffle at the bottome and the rest of them all had different things like a differnet colored sash tie or different style top, etc. It was a lot of fun. I'll have to post a pic of all the bridesmaids once we get them back from the photographer.

  2. What cute invites! I can't wait to hear how the party goes! You do the cutest cards! I love them.

    And way to go on the advertising campaign! Way to get your name out there!


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