
WHHAA!! I'm such a baby

Argh!  I just have to say that I hate being sick.  Two days ago, I started getting the tickly throat and congestion, which later that night, turned into all the full blown symptoms of a cold: sinus pressure, achy muscles...all that fun stuff.  It also get frustrating too when you finally get into a daily routine and then something like this throws it off!  I recently joined Gold's Gym and have been going pretty consistantly, which is great.  They watch the kids while I do a class, SO NICe...why didn't I do this before?!  Anyways, so ya, it's great until you get sick and then it all flies out the window!!  And this week has been busy with my calling, baby showers and just keeping my house in order!  Emma is sick too so it's hard accomodating when your sick, plus the kids too so that is draining.  I just need a nice long vacation..which in Sept, I will :)  My sister Jenny, is getting married Sept 20th so i'll be flying out there with the girls for 2 weeks.  I am totally excited and totally much needed.
Another bummer is this
So it's been a crazy week.  And to top it off, I have been trying to read Breaking Dawn, along with everyone else but it is so much harder to do that with a 3 yr old and 1 yr old, compared to last year, when I read all 3 books with a 1 month old and a 2 year old!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you feel better. Without fail, whenever I start exercising agian...a couple weeks into it I get sick!! Then yes, like you said, it throws you all off!

    Then going to a gym, you have to wait until all your kids get better too!! Ahhhhh!

    I noticed it was harder to read this time with having kids older too! If Avery wants my attention from reading/computer stuff, she just attacks me and thinks it is SO funny.

    Anyway, get to feeling better and hopefully it will be an easier week next week for ya!


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