

Alright, this is a policital post...I just had to say something in all the chaos going on right now! I sorry if any thing I say might offend anyone who doesn't believe in the same things as I do but I just feel strongly about this and the future of this country. I guess it's more of a venting about Obama Bin Laden, as I like to call him...
Seriously, what are people thinking?! Why the games and where are the answers? I'm sorry for any of you who are Democrats but seriously, have you really read up on Obama?! Anyone curious, go to this site. It'll be quite educational. I found this from The Purple Diva (THanks!!)


  1. oh Lyssa... I am SEETHING!! I'm sorry you feel that way - I guess my vote for Barack will cancel out your vote for ancient "Straight Talk Express" - Obama is the way to go!!! we're still family?

  2. thank you so much for reposting this! I believe the word needs to get out! I am so afraid of our country in his hands. I really don't get it! I really do not!
    I have some democrats in my fam too...we all do I guess. At least your vote may be canceled, but mine won't!

  3. Lyssa, I could not agree more with you. this election is such a crazy one and the future of this country could be going in a horrible direction. I have such a hard time with people who are "obama lovers" and the only reason why they are is because they are "Bush haters"......this just drives me crazy because they don't know anything about Obama and what they are really voting for. Come on people do your research!!!!!!!
    This country cannot survive a socialistic government, pack your bags lets all move to Canada!

  4. I hate both Obama and McCain. Is this really the best we could come up with? I mean... really?? I will be voting, but not for either of them.

  5. Oh politics. I just hope this country is still standing in 4 years.

    So I saw this picture and I totally think you ought to try it with Kate I love your pictures.


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