
Vote Vote Vote!!

And now I need a favor from you guys.   I need you to pick your favorite 3 pictures of Emma. :)  I like to get other people's opinions because I have biased eyes :)

Just to clarify any confusion, the numbers correspond with the picture that is below it!!

Here are the options & tell me your favorite 3 numbers:








  1. I think I have decided on #1, 5, and 6. I love the serious poses. What a sweet girl. How did Joe's surgery go? I'm sorry things have been so crazy for you. I hope life gets calmer!

  2. Is this what I think it is for?:) I hope so!!

    Anyway, here's my three faves (I was kind of hard!)

    No particular order: 2, 7, & 8

  3. wow those are so hard to choose between, I seriously love them all! Hmmm if I had to choose three it would be #2, #4, and #6. She is beautiful, just like her Mama!
    Love ya Lissa and I really wished you lived closer!!!! it was so fun seeing you.

  4. 2 and 5

    P.S. I sorry to hear about Joe's finger.

  5. 2,5,8 She is adorable!

  6. decisions, decisions, decisions... i had a hard time because i loved all of them but my absolute fav's are....
    #2, #6, and #7. If i i had to narrow it down to only one, it would be #7 because i love her expression and i love the way her hair is falling around her face. she is so BEAUTIFUL!

  7. They are all so cute, #6 is my fav. then #9 then #8.

  8. technically speaking. I feel #5 is your best, the darker shadows work for this pose and then 1, the face is exposed nicely and the shadow is not too dark, still enough detail around your subject.

  9. #2 is my favorite!!!

    And what do you mean you are going private! Why is my blogging world all getting so secretive? Is there something I should know? Is Oboma out to get us? Well, definitly add me to your list! I want to keep stalking you!


I love comments ;) Please share your thoughts!