
binky HOlder Tutorial and giveaway!

I found this great site made by TONS of moms just like me :)
They have have great ideas, including this one!
There's a great Tutorial on how to make Binky Holder's out of Ribbon..super easy.
An added bonus? Giving away one! Check them out HERE!


  1. These are fun! I've made some of these and they are pretty easy. If you want to do it even cheaper you can just use one suspender clip and switch out different ribbons.

  2. How come I wasn't invited to this crafty blog before? I'm glad I've finally found my way to it!!

    I have made TONS of these binky holders, Krista and I made them for the babes! They are so easy, and fun. I took it a step further and layered mine with two ribbons, so I could use more fun ribbon I found in the scrapbooking department.


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