
Sisters Visit.

Fun times all around when sisters come into town.
My girls love their aunts so much so that helps too :)
My sister's, Jenny and Katie, took the drive down to visit us over the weekend. It was fun to catch up and make new memories :)

They stayed at one of their friends houses. We met up with them and swam.

Then the rest of the day, Saturday, was a Girl's Day OUt. We went to a movie, All About Steve....which is HILARIOUS.
Then we ate out at Brio's, YUM.
Then we got all dolled up and hit the town...I know, you are probably thinking, Lyssa, you are 7+ months pregnant...are you crazy?!

Yes, yes I am.

I was the experiment that night. Jenny's friend did my hair and Jenny did my make up. It was fun to get all dressed up and play with my sisters. I can't even remember the last time I actually DID my hair...

That's all the pics that I took...mainly of us... nice, I know. But that's how we roll in the Terry family. Lots of self-portraits.
Come back soon!


  1. lookin' H-O-T!
    let's see, I was also going to write, "One HOT Mama!" hA!
    you look awesome, lyssa!
    you terry girls are all pretty fabulous. way to work it, las vegas style.
    My question is what did you do on your NIGHT OUT on the town---besides get glammed up? oh, AND take pictures? :)

    looks like fun, whatever y'all did. :)

    texas misses you! and i do too!

  2. AHHH this looks like such a blast! I'm so glad you were able to have some fun sister time! And I'm diggin your hairdo. Will they do my hair for me?

  3. How on earth do you get your hair to grow that long that fast??? You look awesome!! Can I be adopted into your family?? You guys always have so much fun!

  4. Woah! You are always beautiful, but you look like a movie star! I am loving/coveting the hair. It looks so effortless, and I am in regret mode right now over my mom hair that I am growing's obviously going to take years to be Lyssa, but I'm on my way! Such beautiful pics, and so glad you had sister time! Nothin' better.

  5. What a fun night out and that pool looks so inviting. 7 months and you look amazing! How do you stand to keep your hair so long?!? It looks amazing

  6. NICE HAIR! love it, keep doing that.

    miss you guys.


  7. Looks like fun! Got to love sisters! :)


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