
9 months.

Before I tackle the huge amount of pictures for this, I thought I would share this with you.

Luke is now 9 months old.
It is weird that's he's already that old. Before having him, my goal was to focus on each step, to take it all in and take nothing for granted. Well, he hasn't let me really indulge in the baby phase for that long. He has other plans in mind.
He's around 21 lbs.
This month, he started cruising on the furniture and even took his first step.
He is climbing stairs when we aren't looking.
He has now refused to eat any type of baby food and only wants to eat what we are eating.
He throws a little fit when something is taken away from him. He bounces adn crinkles his nose and starts whining. It's pretty funny.
He makes funny faces...he crinkles his nose as he breathes in and out of his nose really hard. That's pretty funny too.
He will get into anything.
Definitely a mama's boy.
When he's not tired or hungry, he is the happiest little thing in the world.
I love him to death and know he was meant to be in my family!


  1. Hearing your voice makes me happy Lyssa. What a cute little guy you have there. Hope everything is settling in well.

  2. Way to go Luke! He's adorable, can't believe how old he is!

  3. I too am just amazing about how fast these baby's learn to live life. Seriously, can't they just stay itty bitty for a little longer.

    I hope you are feeling a bit settled in your new place. I look forward to doing that soon.

  4. what in the world! Do they walk at 9 months?! Loved this post on Luke. Love Luke. I laughed out loud when he kind of wobbled and went over his toes a cute. He looks very proud of himself. And I can't believe him!

  5. i stii laugh so hard at the curling toes stunt! lol....



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