
Highly recommend!

I was contact through to do a review on any item in any of their 200+ online stores. Anyone else seen these sites?!
They are awesome.

They have everything.

Not kidding.

THey have a site JUST for bunkbeds!

It is amazing.

So I was having a hard time figuring out what to use my $60 gc for it.

But as I was looking around my home, thinking of something I really wanted to get, I found this on their site:


So I had to get it. I needed something new on my walls in my new home.

It arrived a few days ago and I ripped open the box...which, by the way, was heavily protected by LOTS of foam sandwiched in the box so as to not break during shipping..well done ;)

I love it. It looks awesome on my wall.
It is made out of a lighter wood, so it is not too heavy to hang up. The style is wonderful.

I highly recommend checking out They constantly are having sales and discounts and free shipping all the time.

Tell them I sent you too...maybe I can do another review ;)

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