
Being Featured!

I was, am and will be forever elated when I got the email from Cassity over at Remodelaholic.
My Triple Ruffles Pillowcase Dress Tutorial is being featured over at Polly Want a Crafter?
holy moly.
dreams being fulfilled as you read this, my friends, dreams fulfilled.

Let me remind you what you will find over there: (the dress, not the kid)

So head on over there and check out how to make this!


  1. Congrat! I remember this dress, and thought it was so darling. My daughter and were talking about it a few weeks ago, but I could not remember who had made it! Congrats again!

  2. Hey girl : )

    You won the Green Mum giveaway! Looks like you're going to be getting a pretty new hair clip and earrings in the mail. Pleas email me your info when you get the chance then. My email is Thanks for participating and congrats! Have a great weekend.

    ~ Laura (Just For Love)

  3. ooo, how exciting. You did a great job so it's no wonder you're being featured :) Happy Sunday to you.



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