
Quick n' Easy Job Chart

So this has been in the works for sometime.  I"ve been wanting the girls to be involved with I don't have to do as much...cough cough
anyways, i've scowered the web for ideas.  I found some good ones but nothing that just fit for me.  So I decided to just make my own.  If it doesn't work out, oh well, i'll try something else :)
I decided to do a morning and nighttime chart.
I will be placing these in frames and then they can just a dry erase marker to check off their chores when they finish them.

Originally, I was going to stick them on magnet boards but for 4 charts, it seemed pointless and too much effort on my part.

I ordered them as 11x14 prints as costco.
I love them :)
Best part was that it was so cheap.
free Photoshop trial
free downloads (shabby princess & digital downloads)
prints came to about 2.50 each. 

Speaking of organization, I want to do some sort of Reward system...any good ideas?  beans, tickets, jewels, coins etc etc?!  I would love to hear ideas!


  1. A friend of mine posted this on her blog, I thought it was a great idea:

    I opened "Mom's Store," this month, as a new "good behavior," incentive for Miss Em. She earns tokens for good behavior things she does like: share with friends, do things when asked once, obey parents, be happy, no whining. She can earn tokens for doing her daily chores too. It's working good so far! Yay!

    So my friend bought fun little things for her daughter to "buy" at "Mom's Store" with her money she earns -- stickers, candy, books, lipgloss, etc. It seems like a great idea. I heard from a friend, however, that after trying to get a big ticket item -- a barbie -- her daughter decided she'd never be able to earn enough to buy it so she wasn't gonna bother being good anymore. So if you try the store, be sure not to make your prices too high!

  2. I am not able to see the photos


I love comments ;) Please share your thoughts!