
best. day. ever.

this was quite the momentous occasion for me.
my birthday.
yes, it's true.  I have them every year, but this year was different.
because joe sat down with me and asked me what I wanted to do ALL day.
so i laid it out and it went according to plan, without a hitch.
dec.9th 2010.
seriously a perfect day.
so this is me, now 27.
 i want to know what I looked like on such a wonderful day, when life was really good and when we have been given so so so much.
sorry if it seems like i'm gloating.  i'm not.
i'm just so grateful for life, family, my husband, my kids.
i'm experiencing a natural high in my life. (trust me, i've had my share of lows)
 after sleeping in, we all got ready and headed to the donut shop.
one of the best things about birthday and kids is that they make it much more fun! 
they were so excited for donuts! 

 luke's inital taste...still trying to figure that one out.
 he's past it ;)

 happy birthday and merry christmas to me :)
 next was matinee with my girls! 
we watched new FAV.  I loved that movie. 
I want to watch it right now.
 My handsome boy greeted me like this when we got home.

 After the movie, I was able to leave for a couple of hours and do whatever I wanted to do.
I went to the antique store and the mall.
I carefully planned that was so nice and worth it.  I found some awesome stuff!
Dick & Jane calender- $1
Dick & Jane hard cover book - $1
Roll of fabric - $4.80
Raggedy Andy - $4
Vintage Phone( like the one in TS3) $6
Christmas ABC book - $1
Wahoo! ( i'm decorating Luke's room with vintage toys)

When i got home, we had a pizza party!

 Then the cake part...don't you love it?  I do!

 After we got the kids to bed, I hosted a demo night!  I showed some ladies how to cut up a pallet and turn it into a shelf, courtesy of

Here's a couple I made, cute huh?

seriously so grateful for Joe in helping me make this day wonderful for me.
here's hoping 27 will be a great one!


  1. What a great day! You did get it all...happy kids, awesome husband, sugar, pizza, movie, alone shopping time- dang girl! Happy birthday!

  2. Wow! That IS a great birthday! Maybe I should start planning my next one now. (oh wait, it's like in 9 months...)

    good work, all around!

    and mega props to joe who SAT DOWN WITH YOU TO ASK WHAT YOU WANTED TO DO. amazing.

    happy belated birthday. glad it was a winner.

  3. I'm so glad you had such a happy day! Are you going to frame photo's from the calendar?

    I laughed a little bit when i saw Luke eating in the kitchen:) Is that because your table is over carpet? Worst ever! Ours is over carpet and I have given up. I think if the apartment planners are that dumb, they deserve a few stains!

  4. And ps. you looked beautiful on YOUR day! Always are, but love those extra shine to the eye kind of moments.

  5. Happy Birthday!!! And those pallet shelves are too cute!!!

  6. i love you....

    gloat gloat gloat because YOU deserve it. you really, really DO!!!


    i wish we could do craft nights together and that you could be my "teacher"! i really, really do!

  7. That looks like the makings of a perfect day! I'm so glad you had a fabulous birthday, got to do everything you wanted, and had something to show for it at the end of the night. How often does that happen?! You look BEEEautiful, btw. Happy birthday, dear.

  8. How do you fit all your kids and their seats on one bench? You are amazing! :)

  9. Lyssa! HAPPY BIRTHDAY (late birthday) What a perfect day with the family. It looks so fun and what a cool project your doing. Happy 27th! Still feels like were hanging out at your house on the weekend crawling around in the long grass in your backyard, hoping to kiss a cute boy :) We were so dumb but so cool at the same time :)
    Love you!


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