
Thankful Thursdays Linky Party #3

It's been a week already!! Here's a new week for the Thankful Thursdays Linky Party

Rules are you can link up ANYTHING you are thankful for.
Whether it's a project you finished up, a recipe you made or your wonderful family...
I want it all!
One rule is to add the button to your post so others can join in too!

I appreciate everyone who has been playing along too!
These things are always hard to get rolling but I think it fun.
And it reminds me on a weekly basis of what I have been given.
And I have been given so much.
I am so very blessed and so very thankful!

Today, I am thankful for my...birthday!
It's my birthday today, cool huh?!

I am a big fat 27 year old now. This is the first time that an age has made me feel old.
I definitely don't feel 27. I still feel like I just graduated high school!

Does anyone else feel that way too?!

So I am thankful that, with each year, I learn new things.
My life is not perfect.  I face problems.
And from these problems, I learn.
I keep growing through trials.

Through time and experience, I gain knowledge that I would have otherwise not have!
I hope I can continue to do this, each year, grow older and WISER, right?

So this week, what are you thankful for?
Show me!

Link up anything that you want that shows graditude, whether it's a recipe that was awesome or you painted some furniture or you made a scrapbook page...anything!

I would love to see it.

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