
book puff ball tutorial.

I'm doing a craft fair next week and wanted to make some fun new things to sell.
Of course i'm making wreaths, and other things, which I'll be highlighting this week,
but I had to show you my latest creation:
the Book Puff Ball.

And i'm going to show you how to make them...unless you are in the Wenatchee, WA area and want to just buy one from me, then that's cool too.

Book to rip up
Styrofoam Ball
Twine or sting
(I got all these balls for $1 at Sal's..score)

This baby is created exactly like my Book Wreath except you are gluing to a ball instead of a wreath :)

If you want it to hang, I tied twine around a pin,

Then I put some hot glue on the ball then stick the pin in the glue.

Then hang it up somewhere and admire...sigh, love how it turned how.

And look!  the balls had babies!  Little book puff balls!
These little guys fit in the palm of my hand.
I used the smaller size styrofoam balls and ripped the pages into rip in half and then rip in half again!  So cute in a bowl or something, eh?

I love how these turned out!

I'm linking these HERE!


  1. loove this idea! thanks for sharing

  2. Very sweet. I'm not sure I can bring myself to rip up a book though - it would be really hard!

  3. those are so cute! what a great idea

    PS: I'm doing a giveaway on my blog for $20 to my etsy shop, so if you like pretty jewelry you should come enter!!

  4. That is really cute! I already have a giant bookpage wreath, and book page flowers on signs, maybe it's overkill for me to make these? Nah....

    Stopping by from Craft-O-Maniac Monday

  5. I love book pages...there are so pretty!

  6. Wow! This is such a unique twist on the typical puff ball. I have to make one of these for my crafting room/office. It will tie the two functions of the room together perfectly. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Absolutely beautiful! I have made some really similar puff balls out of tissue paper. I never thought to use book pages! What a great way to use up a book with torn pages!

  8. Very cute and clever! I found you through Eisy Morgan. I am following you now since I'm a fellow born-again crafter. :)

    Come visit!


  9. Wow ! I really like the idea of the books paper !

  10. brilliant idea!
    thanks for the great tutorial!!

  11. So shabby sweet!! Thank you for linking to my K.I.S.S. blog bash this past week. I so appreciate you taking the time to share your charming craft. Tomorrow is another blog bash, please drop by & share more of your inspiring ideas!

    Drop By The Tattered Tag

  12. These are Wonderful. Thinking Very Seriously about where these could go in my home! :)

  13. I love these! I can't wait to make these for my daugther's room...she is an avid reader.

    I also shared this on my blog...

    Thanks for sharing!

  14. Oh..My..Goodness, these are genius. I will find a spot somewhere in my house for them to go, maybe even before I get around to making them!

  15. Beautiful !
    I love it ! Je sais désormais quoi faire de mes mauvais livres ! :)


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