

Dear Emmakate,
I am so grateful to be your mom.
 Such a pair of beauties.
 What a blessing it is to be assigned to care for you two.

 It was no mistake that you two were sisters.
 You two play all day long.  Although there are fights, you both are quick to forgive and continue playing.

 I love you girls so much.  I hope I show that enough.
I hope 20 years down the road, when you read this, that you will agree that I did and do love you.

 I am not a perfect parent.  I am trying.  But know that my biggest motivation to be a super mom is my love for you.

 You two are beautiful beyond compare.


  1. priceless, adorable, sweet pictures!

  2. These pictures are great! Your girls are beautiful. I think they'll really treasure these when they're older... after their done stealing one another's boyfriends and such.

  3. I love the pictures of the girls hugging. They are so sweet.

  4. so sweet! They are beauties. And you're an inspirational mother.

  5. Love this! They are so cute together. Emma's hair is adorable, it makes her look so grown up.

  6. Wow . . . you brought tears to my eyes. Your girls are little angels!


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