
Day 8: Thankful for Modern Conveniences

It's been over a month now.
over a month since my dishwasher broke :(
It was a sad day and a rude awakening for me as a homemaker.
It meant actually having to spend time in the kitchen and hand-wash dishes.  yuck.
Not a fan of cleaning.  It's true.  My husband will vouch for me on this one.

So here's a typical view of what my kitchen looks like after dinner.  I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit...

So it's been a journey to have to spend about an hour every day to get the dishes clean.  And it's so frequent that I had to invest in some items:

A nice thick mat for my achy feet :)

Pink, insulated rubber gloves for my poor dry hands!

But I have a system.  I stick dishes in to soak on the left.  When they are ready, I scrub them and place them in the sink to the right.  I then rinse them all off and dry them in the broken dishwasher.  Then I place new dirty dishes in the sink to the left and star all over again.

This post serves as a memorial for my broken dishwasher.  My landlady did inform me yesterday that they have a dishwasher picked out at Home Depot but not sure how or who is going to get it here...that's reassuring.

I am truly grateful for the ease of life now-a-days.  Especially when I don't have it, it makes it that much sweeter when you do.  I will not take advantage ever again!

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