
Day 7: Thankful for my Faith

I was raised LDS and I am still LDS.  And it is because I believe it is true.  I have always felt that way.  It just makes sense.
Through personal experience growing up, I KNOW that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are aware of me and love me.  I feel their love and peace all the time.  Especially now being a mother, i am in constant need of help to raise them righteously.
The world today is different now.  There are obstacles that bombard me and my family.  It's good to know that I am promised blessings of protection and safety when we live in accordance to the will of God.
I am truly in debt for he many blessings He has given me.  I will even go as far to say that I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the promptings of the spirit and the righteous members of my faith who heeded these promptings.
I believe Jesus Christ is our Redeemer & Savior.  Only through Him will we be able to return to Him again and live in a state of true happiness.

Know that you are not alone!

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