
Easter Best 2012

On Easter Sunday, the kids and I were all sick.  So we missed dressing up and going to church as a family.  But we were ready to go the next week.

Here are the kids all dressed up before church.  Luckily mother nature has decided to finally bring Spring around so it's lovely around here now.  I think it was around 80 degrees today.  Perfect for playing outside with a picnic on the side :)


  1. The kids look so cute in their Easter outfits. I am glad it is warming up up there, and I am glad to hear you are all feeling better. There really should be a rule that if mom is sick no one else can be!

    I love the pictures of Luke on his tricycle. Such a cute boy!

  2. Hi Lyssa! This picture is so cute. And Luke looks so grown up!! I just love Easter pictures. Hope you guys are doing well!


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