
Used to care

I used to care about craft blogs.
I used to care about doing things right.
I used to care about thrift stores or hitting yard sales.
I used to care about redoing junk.
I used to care about FB but even that's become annoying and meaningless.

Looking back, they all just don't seem that important these days.  As i've been trying to simply my life, I have come to terms with things in it that are just "fluff".  They don't improve me as a person.  They don't make me a better wife or mother.  They just distract me from what's really important.
I have been consumed by fluff!  That Satan is a tricky one for sure.

Why did I care so much about fluff?

I'm realizing time is not on my side, especially when it comes to my kids.  I look at them and i grow sad at the thought of them growing bigger, becoming more much so that they won't need me.  That scares me.  Especially in the past when I was so caught up that when they did ask for help, I was distracted.  I'm embarrassed and ashamed as the weak individual that I am.

These are kind of the thoughts i've had lately, especially as a mom....when  you're oldest is almost done with Kindergarten and got her first pair of laced sneakers!
When your second has registered for Kindergarten for next year!
And when your youngest is riding a bike with training wheel now...  

I have a lot of growing up to do still!


  1. Im with you. I dont even do pinterest much anymore!

  2. You are me! I too have had those same thoughts over and over. Thanks for the reminder. You really are such an awesome mom being able to point out weaknesses and fix them. I look up to ya!

  3. I feel the same way. I can't believe I will have two in school next year! Are we really that old? Emma and Bradley will get baptized next year! I love the times when I am reminded to is more enjoyable when I do.

    I also admire how open and honest you are in your blogs. Thanks for having the courage to share!

  4. I used to do this, but now that I work, I find that I now draw a line as to what i do with my day, and what I don't. I do get on FB because with me working, that is the only social life I have. I like pinterest for ideas, but only when I know I have the time. I think you can still do what you love, as long as you realize that you can only do it for a few minutes. I don't craft as much, and i don't really go out, so I can "afford" it in some ways. But definetly, LIMIT my time, or else it would be bad. I think it is about growing up, and I think I'm finally getting there as well.

    You are doing awesome!


  5. Totally with you. I've had to re-prioritize myself. It feels a lot better and less stressful. Plus much happier to spend more time with my little family.


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