
the weekend.

Anyone else glad it's the weekend?
What will you be doing?  Well i'm excited for tonight, after winning a pair of front row seats to Wenatchee Valley Beatdown cage fight.  I was on a mission to win them for the Hubs.  So tonight, i'll be sitting front row, being sprayed with sweat and blood.  Exciting, isn't it?!

In other news, my DIY magazine holder is being featured over at Blooming Sisters.  Thank you ladies for the shout out!

Did you know I have an Etsy Shop?
I do!  It's Pretty Grey Bench.  I make and sell my book page wreaths and balls, fabric earrings and baby burp clothes.

Well I am adding in some items too, like the ABC print that I posted about the other day.  It can be customized!

I'll be also putting in some Nest necklaces too! (these were from a gift exchange i did in Nov.)

Have a great weekend.  I will be taking lots of pictures tonight at the fight.  Just you wait.  It'll be like you are sitting right there next to me ;)

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