Fondue Fun

First i'll start with the Fondue since it all happened Saturday night. Another "8 crazy nights" occured at my apartment. We made 4 different kinds of chocolate Fondue: Milk, Semi-sweet, Chocolate Caramel & Chocolate Marshmallow. They were so yummy. Everyone brought something to dip into the fondues so we had a huge variety of foods, all very yummy.
L to R: Emily, Christine, Michellie, Jaime, Me, Hillery, Jill, Jamie & Jami.
We all sat down and pigged out! I don't know how long we were sitting there for. I swear after so long, I wasn't even hungry but it just being infront of me, I kept eating. So we took a break and played "Faces." I don't know if any of you have played it but it is the funnest game ever! The whole game is based on first impressions from pictures and basically the more judgemental you are, the better you are at playing. We all got into pairs and played. Jaime and I won! So that tells you you just have to play and see what I mean cause it's just hilarious! Afterwards, we went back over to the fondue and ate some more. And as always, our conversations have a wide range of topics. I won't go into detail but if you can think it, we talked about it. It was such a fun night. Our last and final Crazy NIght will be tonight. We'll be watching "The Best of Will Ferrell" at Jami Black's apartment theatre. It'll be really funny! We all love Will Ferrell. I'll have plenty of pictures for that.
Mother's Day
So I love Mother's Day. Joe is so good at making sure I do nothing. So i'll walk everyone through my Mother's Day.
It all started Saturday. There was a Stake Relief Society activity in the morning that I attended (Melissa, where were you? Working? are a workaholic! jk). When I came home, to my surprise, there was a bouquet of flowers on the counter.

I was really happy and excited, having no idea that Joe was going to get those for me. So i'm walking around the apartment, trying to find him and thank him and to my surprise, he's in our "office." I catch him going through my paper and ribbon and all sorts of stuff, putting together a handmade card! Ok so if any of you know my husband really well, you know that he's sooo anti-scrapbook and craft. So for him to be making me a handmade card is just...i'm just speechless. Him doing that for me is the sweetest thing he could ever do! I was so happy. I had to shut the door cause he was "in the zone" but I just sat there, thinking how wonderful a husband I have. I love him soooo much and am so grateful for all that he does for me everyday. And I can't forget what an awesome Dad he is to Emma. I'm so lucky to have him!

"The Card"
So I don't get the card till Sunday morning but for someone who has done nothing associated with paper crafts, I think he did a pretty good job. I really like it!
So yesterday I was able to sleep in and had a nice relaxing morning. Our church isn't until 1 so we had a lot of time to just relax. Joe then made our favorite dinner and it was delicious. It was such a good day. Again, I love my Joe so much and grateful for him!!