Here it goes, oldest to youngest.

-Born Aug. 10 1979 in Grants Pass, Oregon.
-Oldest of nine kids, 8 boys and 1 girl
-At 2 months old, his dad could balance him standing on his hands.
-He mainly grew up in Port Neches, TX
-He loved playing sports, especially baseball. He was the fastest and best athlete. They would call him "Smokin' Joe"
-Attended BYU and graduated in Biology with Dental School in mind.
-Completely ignored his wonderful wife for the first 2 weeks of marriage to study for the DAT (Probably a good thing since he got a miraculous score that allowed us to come to SATX!).
-Got married 3 days after turning 25.
-Can do a standing back-flip...which he did on our first date..I think that's what won me over ;)
-Born Dec. 9th 1983 in American Fork, Utah
-Lived in Canada for 6 years of my life.
-Have never broken a bone :)
-Learned to ride my bike the first time I tried.
-Grew up in Highland, UT, attended and graduated from Lone Peak High School (with honors)
-Attended BYU, graduating in 3 years in English...but wishes now that I'd have graduated in something complete different!
-Got married when I was 20.
-I have eyes that change color with what I wear.
-I played obsessively with Barbies what I was younger.
-Born Sept. 20th 2005 in San Antonio, TX
-Weighted 7.4 lbs and 19 1/2 inches long.
-Had a mini-mullet the first year of her life
-Looks like a spittin' image of her Dad (check his picture and hers if you don't believe me!)
-From her dad, she got beautiful dimples, BIg eyes and LONG eyelashes.
-She was walking at 10 months.
-She was a "Top Ten Finalist" in the Organic Gerber Baby Sweepstakes. Her picture was featured on the website (I still think she should have won!)
-Her favorite toy is and has been this teal-colored Easter dog she got for her first Easter. She has to take it everywhere!!
-She is very very energetic.
-She has a shoe fetish...ask anyone...
-As of now, all she says all day are numbers. She jumps and runs in circles. She MUST put the pacifier into Kate's mouth alone. And she loves doing animal impressions.
-Born July 20th, 2007 in San Antonio, TX
-Weighed 8.4 lbs and 18 1/2 inches long.
-She too has dimples. On her left cheek, she has 2 dimpes side-by-side.
-She resembles me rather than Joe. She picked up my eyes and nose.
-She's our fatty baby right now. She's in the 90th % in both height and weight. She's 11 1/2 lbs right now!!
-She smiled (an actual smile) at 3 weeks.
-She has LOTS of gas.
-She can hold up her head really high already to look up at me when she's on my stomach.
-She has really good eye coordination already.
-She holds conversations with me with cooing and mini-laughs. Just very alert and knows what is going on.
-She's absolutely an easy baby to read and understand. I love her so much and so glad she's now apart of our family!!