THis year, I was really excited since I have two little girls to work with. So in my excitement, I made the girls tutu's so they'd be matching ballerina's. I was surprised how easy and fast it was to make them!
A few of you have mentioned that I did a good job sewing them no, I can not sew worth beans!! These were "N0-sew tutus!! I got the coolest "Tutu Tutorial" from the blog, "Mama's Doodles" which is located on the side. It's a great blog and really fun, cute ideas that this mom has done. Check it out!
So i've got a bunch of pictures from our ward's Trunk or Treat and then of Emma going off with Joe trick or treating on Hallows Eve.
Emma ate a bit too much candy last night at the trunk or treat. Here's just a preview of what she was doing the whole night..i'm serious, the WHOLE night: oh and yes, it's a tad dark but you get the idea :)
And here are some pics of our Halloween fun extravaganza!

I took this picture during the day, trying to get Kate to pose and these are the best I got..I think she was a little tired

These are pictures from our Trunk or Treat. Emma will not hold still for anything! And luckily she kept on her tutu. At first she didn't want to wear it but Joe and I persisted and stuck it on her!

This is what Emma did the whole night while in the cookies and suckers...oh and run around of course :)

Kate, Me, Jamie, Eric, Jazmin and Olivia!

See whta I mean about the suckers? See that pile on the table of unwrapped suckers? That would be Emma's doing. She'd unwrap one, lick it and grab another one!

Here's our annual Halloween photo....
THis is during the trunking part. Emma had suckers in both hand the whole time!

This is right before leaving to go Trick or Treating with Daddy. And of course, the bloody dog has to come!
Such a cute lil' ballerina!

I love this picture! It's so cute of them, off and ready to go trick or treating!
Happy Belated Halloween! Hope everyone was safe and had fun! Sadly we didn't have any trick or treaters at our place..but that's typical for apartment dwellers.