Jenny Penny Has Given In!
Thanksgiving Weekend
We got to Joe's parent's house right in time for dinner so it was good timing.
Everyone was so excited to see the kids. I love going down there because everyone entertains them so I don't have to! I know, sounds selfish but hey, if you know Emma..she's such a handful and a fireball that it can get exhausting! THis is Kate saying, Happy Thanksgiving!
I love the HOlidays but this time of year makes me miss my family soooo much. I miss and love you guys! I can't wait to see you in just a few weeks! I'm going to Utah for Christmas!! I can't wait!
Happy HOlidays!
Which Twilight Character Am I?

I took the quiz that I found off of Jaime's Blog and I am most like Esme Cullen (pictured above is Mary Louise Parker, who is Stephenie Meyer's pick for Actress)...Now is it "most like" or "most "look" alike" because I wouldn't oh's pretty cool I think. Here is what they say about me:
Kate is 4 Months Old!
turns her head towards me when I talk to her or say her name
turning all around, almost rolling over!
reaches and grabs for toys
puts hands and toys in mouth
loves to knaw on things
That's just an overview I guess... I could go on and on...But here's our beautiful girl.
They're Communicating!
Kate has become even more vocal than before. She now likes to make this funny the sound you make when you're collecting a loogie...the scratchy throat noise. I think she started doing that noise because Joe does that noise to her because she always laughs when he does it. And now she does it too. So if you listen carefully, you'll hear her "talking" with Joe in their language.
One Year in the Making!
Anyways, other than that, nothing much has been going on. Just organizing our apartment. We've decided to dejunk all our kids' toys and clothes that cover our floors! We've decided to box up majority of Emma's toys, only allowing her a few toys to play with. I think this will greatliy reduce the time spent picking up unless toys that Emma doesn't even play with. She more just likes to dump them all out, spread them all over and go to the next toy bin! So Parents of new babies...control yoursefl to buy tons of the long run, it isn't worth it!!
Have I got a deal for you!
Any one who is interested, let me know. Anyways, That is all for now...Oh and thanks everyone who gave me all those yummy tidbits of knowledge about the extras for has suppressed my depression for now...:)
It's over....
What am I to do with my life now?
Anyone want to start a Support Group for this?
Bite me, please...
And of course, my favorite curious george...
When I found her, I was just shocked but I started laughing and grabbed the camera..good thing for blogging and a need for pictures eh?
She immediately went into the tub and luckily Kate was napping through all this, phew! So I admit it too the world that I sometimes get distracted with other things, allowing my kids to run amuk in my house...I just have to accept the responsibility of Emma's actions when I do that :)
Our first Craft Guild and catching up....
Yep that looks about right...just like me when I sit on the couch....;)
We took a stroll last week and had to get a pic of our girls lounging in our stroller, which I finally found a double stroller I liked :)
Things that keep me busy...
ONce Kate is in the girls' room, i'll put these up.
I love Kate's laugh! I just can't get enough! I finally recorded it for all your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!