A BIG WAHOO & Finally!
Post about Emma
Katers is 8 months old!
K seriously, 8 months!?! Where did TIme go? Did it just go on vacation for awhile? I just can't believe how big she has gotten. It seems in the last couple of months, she has just shot right up.
She's scooting and rolling everywhere, which means she finds everything on the floor. (I hate this stage...means I actually have to clean good!)
She probably weighs like 17-18 lbs ( she weighed 17 lbs at 7 months).
She sits like a pro, goes up on her knees and bounces.
She's starting to figuring out the whole crawling thing.
She loves to watch Emma and giggles ALL the time. She's such a sweet little girl and I LOVE her so much.
I just love how excited she gets when she sees me and only me :) (sorry Joe, that's the life of a student)
She loves to grab Emma's hair and she starts laughing when Emma starts crying cause it hurts her head (Emma Hates anyone touching her hair).
She loves solid food.
SHe's got that pincher grasp down and eats cherrios, kix and cereal puffs.
She just got on Stage 2 foods.
She loves peekaboo, pat-a-cake, and any songs or games.
We love you Katers! Happy 8th :)
And Emma is officially 2 1/2...which she totally acts like it!! AHHH! somedays...well...I just won't finish that...
Want it?
So if you want it, let me know, and i'll email it to you :)
Creatively Inclined Moms Blog shop

Craft Night!
And the funniest thing happened yesterday. For the first time, Emma fell asleep on the floor watching TV...it was so bizarre that I had to take a picture. But it was nice because she's been fighting naps for awhile now (ever since her and Kate have been sharing rooms) So there's Kate playing next to her. I have to watch her because she'll roll over and grab Emma's hair, laughing hysterically while doing it...it's so funny but Emma HATES it... Well have a nice day :)
It is coming...
What does "slm" mean? It stands for Stuff Lyssa Makes. This is my tag that i'll be attaching to the things that I make and will be selling. As of now, i'm teaming up with another awesome girl, Jazmin Gibbons, who also makes beautiful things from home. The blog in which we'll be selling it from is still under construction but it should be done soon. Just wanted to give everyone a sneak peek at my tag. There will be more information on the back of each tag. We'll be having some fun contests to spread the word of the site. But hang tight. More info will be coming :)
And yes, I might be making a huge deal out of this but it's kind of exciting! I have no expectations on how it will go. For all I know, it could be a flop! But I don't care. It's fun :)
I love English Accents!
RAK's are Wonderful!
Andrea from Blueprint Sketches sent this beauty to me just from being apart of a challenge that she held.
How Cute is that!?!
So I just had to show off these fabulous things and just to say that this is a pretty fun hobby and everyone is so generous!
Easy Wall Frames!
I then used my cricut and cut out designs.
I then mod podged them on the frames.
I added ribbon on the back to connect them all so they can hang on the wall!
Made this beauty for a good friend of mine's shower. It matches her nursery!
She's got these humongus CHEEKS!
Last night
very simple card but I like how it looks.
Another baby shower card
This I actually made a year ago for Emma's room. I love orange and pink!