Kate's Spotlight LOs
Memory Game
Purge Purge Purge
Don't pack the sewing machine just quite yet...
Hair Clip Giveaway!
PS I got the watermelon one for Kate and I LOVE iT!!!
The Weekend
Here's the main area. Jazmin gave me a good idea for decorating that she found on Martha Stewart. Cut out lots of "K"s and "1"s and put them all over the place so that's what I did and it looked awesome!
Eating some yummy cake and having a great time..Happy GIrl!
My little Kate is turning one!
I can't believe she's one already! In order to save a few bucks, I practically made everything on here...hair bow, tutu, leggings, invitation (was made on scrapblog.com) So I feel pretty good about myself! I really love to do digital. I can't really dive into it right now because we just don't have the room on my computer but some day...
Kate is Turning One...soon.
Fourth of July Weekend
We decided last minute to head down to JOe's parents for the 4th of July weekend. It had been awhile since going there and I know they were dying to see the girls. It was a nice break. Kate could have been a pit more cooperative though. She was teething like crazy, 3 teeth coming in so she was not a happy camper...more like a whiny, clingy camper. But here are some pics of the weekend.
Emma, pretending to be a dog. She's been in an "animal pretend" phase. It's pretty funny.
She, of course, loves to read still We went to visit the Johnson's, Joe friends from home. Ryan, the guy he grew up with, lives 20 minutes away from there so they came to visit at his parents house. They have a little boy, Brayden, who is a day older than Emma. So it was fun to see them play
Emma pretending to be a dog again. This is her leash...
THough this was a cool shot.
This kid tried to control the sprinkler. He even started pushing Emma...Don't worry, I interfered.