The weekend of the fourth, we all drove up to UT for the 4th. My family has some great traditions for the 4th and since I live only 5.5 hours away from them, I had to go!
We left Thursday, and got in pretty late. We stayed at my sister's condo and a few of my siblings were there. We all went to bed really late. The next day, we stuck around Provo for a bit so see how things changed or have not changed. We met up with Joe's brother Matt and walked about BYU campus...yes, I am one of those nerds who like to re-visit the campus...but it was fun to see it all again. I did spend 3.5 years there!

The good ol' Y. This was Joe and I's first date...yep, again, one of those nerds...

One of the traditions is the grandkids and parents camp out in the backyard. There was a bit of a scheduling conflict this year, sadly but we still make a party out of it. We made smores and let the girls play on the tramp.

Here's all the tents...this was actually taken before the pic above...but me and my 3 other siblings (and 2 sister in laws) all slept out here. The kids have fun. The whole idea of camping is so fun to them really.

Another tradition? Float down the creek! I love our backyard. There is an awesome creek along our backyard. I've been doing this since I was 7!
Anyways, we got the rafts out and had plenty of supervision. The kids had a blast.

Poor brother. He tried to put plastic bags over his legs to numb the extremely cold water but it didn't matter...his face is classic here.

Uncle Mike reading to the girls

And letting Emma help mow the lawn. Emma wants to help is anyway she can these days!

I have friends! lol I met up with some great friends for dinner...can I just say the Tiramisu cheesecake is delish? Me (can you tell my hair is not used to the dry weather?), Candice, Kelli, Heather and Holland.

We were able to go the the Oquirah Temple Open House. I was really excited for Emma to see inside a temple. She loves to see temples and wants to go there some day...

Oh I should mention at this point, Joe drove back to Las Vegas with a classmate so it was just me and the girls.

Jenny and the fam.

One evening, we went to the new Highland city splash park. The girls surprised me and actually got into the river and played with the water. They usually don't do that. But it was hot enough for it. It's a cool little park!

And as a side note for Smith's Food and Drug, great job making these mini-carts. Emma felt so special and helpful with her own cart. It was so cute for her to follow me with her cart and putting groceries in it. Even now, she asks for the small carts...sorry sweetie. Las Vegas is behind in that department :(

It was a great trip! Not pictured were many fun times with family, friends and especially my sisters! I am so blessed to be close again to my family for the next year. We had a blast and you all helped so much with the girls. I really appreciate it!