Jane Marjorie Zimmerman's Birth Story

This story needed to be documented and it now being 2 years overdue, it's definitely time.

Ok so it's been a long day. And my phone died right after I posted my previous post. We went downtown Houston to do an MFM ultrasound to measure size and fluid. She's measuring a little above average but the fluid is over what they'd like. Initially the specialist who did the test told us he'd like to have this baby delivered today!! So of course we thought we'd be admitted into the hospital pretty soon after that.

But we then had to meet my OB at 2 at her office. So we hung out in Houston. She told us they scheduled an induction tomorrow at 4 AM😴😱😁...
So we booked it home to prep for the big day tomorrow and leave back over there around 2:30 AM....lots of fun times...
So we are frantically getting our house ready, getting kids ready for school tomorrow and packing my hospital bag...
More to come later!

We made it back over SUPER early. We got settled into our room after we checked in. I got changed into my hospital gown.  A few things happened after that. FIrst, they required that I get an Enema before they continued. NOT a fan of that. I really didn't want to get one. I even made sure everything was cleaned out before. But nope, I had to get one. That was really uncomfortable.  Once that was taken care of, then they got me hooked up and then we waited. It was a slow start to get big enough to get an epidural. I told them though that if you break my water, it'll open. And they finally did.
At 2:50 pm, Jane Marjorie Zimmerman was born!  She was 7 lbs 11 oz with being only 37 1/2 weeks along. Seriously in love with her and feel so blessed. This was a hard pregnancy. My hardest. Being in TX, the heat and such. I was just done.  She was a hard sleeper though and wouldn't wake up to feed. It was getting a bit frustrating. Her bilirubin levels were going up and the hospital was pushing for formula. I didn't really want that. I kept at it but I think she was so tuckered out from delivery that she wasn't sucking hard for me. So they gave her a bit of formula. The first meal after she was delivered was this amazing breakfast and it was the best meal i've ever eaten! I was SO HUNGRY.   The next day, the kids came up to meet her. They were all smitten. After 2 days, we were passed and able to leave. Always hard to leave the hospital after having a baby!

Back to school festival

We went down the street to the Altus ER building where they were having a fun back to school festival. There were bouncy houses, vendors, samples, demos, free snow cones and a view of a helicopter landing. It turned out to be fun and different than the usual boring Saturday's we have these days. We are still getting things figured out with not only my doctor but with Joe's job. It's awesome...

So here are some pictures from yesterday.  The kids thought the gator was pretty cool to hold!

Then Emma did a work out routine with a local gym. She hasn't stopped talking about them! She wants to sign up to do their kids class... That or Kung Fu....

They gave everyone a snow cone but just let people in charge of putting the syrup on. Let's just say they definitely has 80 % juice and 20% ice😁

 Those alone were worth going for. It was super hot. Like every day...

Is there a doctor available??

Trying not to freak out but I still don't have a doctor down here...
I'm almost 35 weeks and we've been here for a month. My insurance kicked in 2 weeks ago. All the while I didn't think it'd be hard to find one and make an appointment. But I was wrong 😕
There are very few doctors that take my insurance and then also finding one that has an opening sooner than October!   

And the website to keep searching for a doctor is down so I just have to wait. I wasn't too worried before but I'm started to freak out a little bit.  At this point,  I may have to go over to Houston and find a doctor! This is just crazy!!

Ok I think this vent session has helped a little bit. 

In other news, the kids are getting ready for their first day of school on August. 24th.  I got them registered a few days ago and got all their school supplies yesterday.  So now I gotta figure out lunches and buses and we will be set.  

Try not to panic and just take it easy...

Newborn sleeping tricks

I'm guest posting over at Kristles clarity to talk about newborn sleeping tricks!

I'm in no way the baby whisperer but from personal experience with my 4 kids, I've learned a thing to two!
Head over there and check it out!
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