A few weeks ago, I was able to take my girls to Krista Adams's house to take some pictures. She is an awesome photographer that is just starting out. She is really really affordable for what is done. She was great with my girls. Emma, as some of you know, is a bit of a fire ball so she wouldn't sit still in the studio. So Krista just followed her around with her camera, taking pictures of her playing with toys or running around outside. It was great! Kate was a bit moody since it was the day after getting her 4 month shots. But even with that obstacle, she did a great job! Her are some pictures that she did. I LOVE THEM! Thank you Krista for doing a "quacktastic" job on it. I can't wait to get these printed off and distributed all over my house :) And if any of you are interested in taking some pictures from her, click on the "Adams" link under my Friends List of Bloggers, to get more information.

That's the best way to take pictures...just follow the kid and let them be themself! She did a great job capturing the girls personalities. I LOVE all the black and white ones. Sometimes black and white just gives a different look to the object in the picture and I love it!
Cute girls indeed!!
I love them all!! Ok, so I'm gonna have to make an appt with her! -even if it is in February! love the mirror picture of Emma!
These turned out so cute! I've never seen a bad picture from Krista!! Your girls are adorable!
hey lyssa, it was fun seeing you today! cute pics! krista does a great job! she is great and your girls are darling!
too fun! i am so impressed! isn't it amazing what a REAL photographer can capture?! I mean, how do they do it? if you ever figure it out, let me know. okay? good.
These pictures are so cute! Krista did such a good job and your girls are just so beautiful.
Thanks again for the awesome Christmas party. The cookies were so good! And I'm going to get you at Pit next time!
Honestly...they are so cute and that one in the mirror is my favorite. Kate is getting so big..they both are and we can't wait to see them!
Your girlies are just the cutest!! So beautiful! I still can't get over their dimples! It really was fun to get to know ya'll!
{i will get you the other pics soon!}
These are so cute! I will definitely have to give her a call! She did an awesome job with Emma. Emma is so pretty in these pictures! You have such adorable little girls.
Kate is seriously turning into the most beautiful gorgeous little girl I've ever ever seen. I can't wait until you come for Christmas. mwah!!!
I love your pictures! I especially love the last one. Kate's face is just so cute! All the pictures turned out really good.
Sooo cute!! I especially like the first one of kate and the mirror one of Emma. Great pics! :)
WOW! Those shots are amazing. Of course your girls are beautiful, but Emma's age is hard to capture on film because they are just so full of energy and won't hold still. They turned out great.
Krista did it again! These are fabulous!
Gorgeous girls! You can totally see Emma's personality in those pics. She's great! Kate is adorable.
r u kidding me about 15 comments?!?
I came across your blog from Michelle's and can't believe how cute your girls are!! How fun. It makes me excited for our little girl due in early March. It sounds like you guys are doing really well! We have a blog too--lindsaygeilman.blogspot.com
Lindsay Geilman
Blogs are so much more fun when you have kids :) I never have anything to say!!! And those pictures are adorable!
Um what can I say that the previous 18 comments have not said? Seriously, your girls are beautiful. Great pictures!
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