Mikarose Review & Giveaway

 I think the most frustrating thing for me while i've nursed all 4 kids is trying to find something  A) cute, B) modest & C) nursing friendly!  I was still in dismay the 4th time around as to not being able to find something I could wear to church or dressed up that I could easily nurse Jake.

Well I was able to connect with Mikarose and their fabulous array of dresses to solve my problem!  They have Modest, cute and !nursing friendly! options that have opened up so many possibilities.  They shipped me the Kristy dress to review.

So here are my thoughts:

First off, I was worried about their sizing chart since the woven knit was different than their cotton knit.  But I put faith in the chart and followed it.  I was so pleasantly surprised when it came and it fit like a glove.  It was easy to wear and tie on.

Very comfortable and soft!  I could wear this on any occasion and probably go home and take a nap in it!

The color was nice and could go with an array of colors for different seasons of the year!
I loved that it covered my shoulders and went past my knees!  So when I sat down, it wouldn't hike up my legs!

And best of all, it was easily accessible for nursing!!  
This picture below?  Yes I am actually nursing in this photo!  It was so easy to bust it out and feed my starving baby ;)

Definitely impressed and well pleased with Mikarose with this dress.  I now have something to wear to church and other dressy occasions!

And i'm so very excited to let you know that Mikarose is giving one of you readers a $50 gift certificate!!  
Who's excited?!  Well you should be!  They have some really nice styles that I love!

***Winner Announced!***
Random.Org picked the winner for me :)


Congrats Natalie Portugal!  Please get with me your information so I can forward 

Cute huh?

Ok so how to enter:

Head over to Mikarose and Tell me which item you would want!

Extra Entrees and leave a comment for each one you do:
-Like Mikarose on FB.
-Tell Mikarose on their FB page that "Lyssa Beth Sent Me!"
-Like Lyssa Beth on FB
-Like me on Bloglovin'
-Pinning their clothes on Pinterest and leave link.
-Share this giveaway on FB!
-Add me to your circles on Google+
-Tweet about giveaway!

Ok so seriously lots of options for extras!  Good Luck!
Open to all US & Canada residents.  Giveaway will end Next Friday April 19th at midnight.

And thanks Karlye for taking my pictures :)


Stephanie said...

I would love the "Printed Pencil Skirt". I have been eyeing for a while now.

Stephanie said...

I "like" Mikarose on FB.

Stephanie said...

Posted "Lyssa Beth sent me," on their FB page.

Stephanie said...

"Like" Lyssa Beth on FB.

Stephanie said...

Pinned Mikarose on Pinterest:

Stephanie said...

"Following" Lyssa Beth on Bloglovin'.

Teachers Market said...

I love the Ellie, Bailey, MaKenna Maxi,etc. I just love their clothes!

Teachers Market said...

I like Mikarose on facebook as Elizabeth G. Jones

Teachers Market said...

I posted on the Mikarose facebook page! Thanks for the chance

Elizabeth G. Jones

Teachers Market said...

I like you on facebook as Elizabeth Getz Jones :)

Teachers Market said...

I tweeted about the giveaway on twitter here https://twitter.com/teachers_market/status/322732800434380801


Elizabeth Jones

Teachers Market said...

I pinned some of my favorite Mikarose Dresses on Pinterest here http://pinterest.com/teachersmarket/favorite-mikarose-dresses/

Thanks again for the chance!

Elizabeth Jones

Becca said...

Rebecca Xavier: I would love the Felicity dress.

Becca said...

I like Mikarose on Facebook as Rebecca Xavier.

Becca said...

I wrote on Mikarose's Facebook page that you sent me.

Becca said...

Rebecca Xavier: I follow you on Bloglovin as Rebecca xavier.

Chris said...

I love just about everything they make. I have 6 daughters ages 30 down to 16 and they have something there for everyone of them. My favorites are the ones that come in that beautiful mint color the Bailey and the Lilian.

Chris said...

I like Mikarose on FB

Becca said...

Rebecca xavier: I pinned about this giveaway on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/RebeccaXavier2/status/322738157374279680

Becca said...

Rebecca Xavier: I like you on Facebook.

Chris said...

Posted "Lyssa Beth sent me," on their FB page.

Chris said...

I liked Lyssa Beth on FB

Chris said...

I tweeted! https://twitter.com/csatko7/status/322741087099822080


Unknown said...

Would love the cute Ariana dress. What can I say? I have a thing for polk-a-dots! :)

Unknown said...

Liked Mikarose on FB

Unknown said...

wrote on Mikarose FB that you sent me. :)

Unknown said...

Already "liking" Lyssa Beth on FB. :)

Unknown said...

Liked on Bloglovin'

Unknown said...

shared the giveaway on FB.

athena.d said...

i really love the Ariana dress

athena.d said...

Liked Mikarose on facebook:)

athena.d said...

Liked Lyssa Beth on FB:)

athena.d said...

following via bloglovin :)

athena.d said...

added on google+
athena d

athena.d said...

tweeted 4/12
twitter handle @ooohhhyeah


athena.d said...

shared on facebook 4/12


natalie said...

I would get the Irene dress.

BTW Lyssa! I love that you have a pic of you nursing on here. You are an awesome mom.

natalie said...

Liked Mikarose on FB.

natalie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
natalie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
natalie said...

Ok. I deleted my previous posts because I was confused so I'm resposted now correctly:
I said Lyssa Beth sent me on Mikarose FB page.

natalie said...

I liked Lyssa Beth on FB

Amy S said...

I love the Makenna dress!

Amy S said...

I like Mikarose on FB

Amy S said...

Liked and shared on FB

spencer orton said...

I like the Irene and the Isabel, but I like even more the picture of you feeding little Jake. The dress looks great on you. Love you

Amy S said...

I like Lyssa Beth on FB

spencer orton said...

And it's Sara, not Spencer...

Michelle Cox said...

Love the Ariana dress! And tons of other stuff. Going to a wedding this summer and really need a new dress!! :)

Michelle Cox said...

Like Mikarose on FB!

Michelle Cox said...

Like Lyssa on FB!

Jessie said...

I love the Katherine!


Jessie said...

I like Mikarose on FB!


Jessie said...

I thanked Mikarose for the giveaway on their fb page!!!


Jessie said...

I follow you on FB!


Jessie said...

I pinned the Katherine:



Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
1.I LOVE the Irene in mint.
2.I "liked" Mikarose on FB
3.I told MIkarose that Lyssa Beth sent me/thanked them for giveaway.
4.I "liked" your Lyssa Beth FB page
5.Here is the pintrest link to many great items I love by Mikarose: http://pinterest.com/texasn8v/my-style/

6.And I shared the giveaway on FB.

Unknown said...

Sorry if this is a duplicate list, it looks like previous comments didnt post.....
from Sharee Isaksen shareeisaksen@hotmail.com

1.I love the Irene in Mint.
2. I "liked" Mikarose
3.I thanked Mikarose for the Lyssa Beth giveaway
4.I "liked" your Lyssa Beth FB page
5. Here is the pintrest link to my favorite Mikarose Items:
6.I shared the giveaway on FB

thanks! I dont know why my google account says "unknown" so my contact info is above. Thanks!

The Potter Family said...

Oooh, how many can I choose? ;)
MaryAnn striped top dress
Beaverly sweater dress

Extra Entrees:
liked mikarose on fb
let them know you sent me
pinned on pinterest

Kathy - mom of many said...

How is it that I have never heard of Mikarose? Love the Beaded Top...and so many of the dresses, too many to name. Kathy

Kathy - mom of many said...

I like Mikarose on Facebook

Nadya said...

I liked Mikarose on FB.

Nadya said...

I told Mikarose on their FB page that "Lyssa Beth Sent Me!"

Nadya said...

I liked Lyssa Beth on FB

Nadya said...

I like you on Bloglovin'

Nadya said...

i Shared this giveaway on FB!

Nadya said...

I added you to my circles on Google+

Nadya said...

I Tweeted about giveaway!

athena.d said...

tweeted 4/13


athena.d said...

shared via facebook 4/13

Grace Mitton said...

I would love to get the Pearl Collar Top. So classy!


Grace Mitton said...

I like Mikarose on Facebook!


Grace Mitton said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Grace Mitton said...

I also pinned clothes from Mikarose!



Anonymous said...

I like the lace top and the beaded top!! Also, thanks for the great giveaway!

Stephanie said...

i love this blue paisley skirt ..... it is currently on sale too, If I don't win, I may be able to aford it anyway. :)


Stephanie said...

i pinned my skirt

Stephanie said...

i tweeted https://twitter.com/sj423/status/323224994794573824

Stephanie said...

i have you in my g+ circles

Stephanie said...

i follow on blog lovin

Stephanie said...

i like miKArose on fb

Stephanie said...

i like you on fb (oh, stephanie tyler hastie)

Stephanie said...

i posted that you sent me on the mikarose fb page

Margaret said...

I haven't worn a dress in years, but I love the Mikarose dresses enough I be tempted to try dresses again. I know for sure I'd love the paisley skirt and the diagonal ruffle skirt.

Margaret said...

Liked Mikarose on FB.

Margaret said...

Told Mikarose you sent me!

Margaret said...

Liked Lyssa Beth on FB.

Margaret said...

I follow you on Bloglovin.

athena.d said...

shared via facebook 4/14


athena.d said...

tweeted 4/14


The Risdons said...

I want the mckenna maxi!

The Risdons said...

Posted LB sent me on fb page

The Risdons said...

I liked mikarose on fb

The Risdons said...

Liked you on fb

Michelle J. said...

I'd love the Ariana dress!

Michelle J. said...

I like Mikarose on Facebook!

Michelle J. said...

And I told them you sent me!

Michelle J. said...

I like you on Facebook!

Michelle J. said...

I tweeted about the giveaway! https://twitter.com/short624/status/323553928933433344

sonyamorris (Sonya Morris) said...

I want the Katherine dress!

sonyamorris (Sonya Morris) said...

Like Mikarose on FB as Sonya Morris.

sonyamorris (Sonya Morris) said...

Like and commented.

sonyamorris (Sonya Morris) said...

Following you on Bloglovin' as Sonya Morris.

sonyamorris (Sonya Morris) said...

Added on Google+ as Sonya Morris.

sonyamorris (Sonya Morris) said...


Anonymous said...

I love the Dahlia bag!

Teacher Brittany said...

LOVE the Irene dress. I would be all over that!

Teacher Brittany said...

Liked Mikarose on FB

Teacher Brittany said...

I told Mikarose that Lyssa Beth sent me!

Teacher Brittany said...

I like Lyssa Beth on FB!

Teacher Brittany said...

I like you on BlogLovin'

Teacher Brittany said...

I pinned the Irene dress... here's the link: http://pinterest.com/pin/138696863496819517/

Teacher Brittany said...

I shared this on FB

Teacher Brittany said...

I added you to my circles on Google Plus

Teacher Brittany said...

And I tweeted about the giveaway! https://twitter.com/readroomblog/status/323613916603232257

athena.d said...

tweeted 4/15

athena.d said...

shared via facebook 4/15


Unknown said...

I would love the Serena dress. So pretty!


athena.d said...

tweeted 4/16


Anne said...

The Daisy is so adorable. I can picture me wearing it ;)

Anne said...

I like Mikarose on FB

Anne said...

I let them know you sent me!

Anne said...

I like you on FB

Anne said...

pinned this to pinterest

Anne said...

tweet https://twitter.com/amolino14/status/324521629411586050

athena.d said...

tweeted 4/17


athena.d said...

shared via facebook on 4/17

Heidi Reads... said...

I'm loving the lace skirt and the diagonal ruffle skirt! So pretty!

Heidi Reads... said...

I liked Mikarose on facebook!

Heidi Reads... said...

commented on Mikarose's fb page

Heidi Reads... said...

I follow you on facebook!

Heidi Reads... said...

I follow you on bloglovin!

Heidi Reads... said...

following you on google+

Heidi Reads... said...


Heidi Reads... said...

shared on facebook!

Heidi Reads... said...


Heidi Reads... said...


Heidi Reads... said...


Heidi Reads... said...


athena.d said...

tweeted 4/18

athena.d said...

shared via facebook 4/18

Unknown said...

I really like the "Felicity" dress!

Unknown said...

I like MikaRose on fb as Tabitha Swain Klucking.

Unknown said...

I told MikaRose you sent me... https://www.facebook.com/MIKAROSEMODESTY/posts/10152764641215113

Unknown said...

Pinned: http://pinterest.com/pin/121386152429086076/

Unknown said...

Following on BlogLovin' as Tabitha Klucking.

Unknown said...

I follow on Google+

Unknown said...

Tweeted: https://twitter.com/kluckingbear/status/324918890977165312

Unknown said...

I like the irene dress...or the makenna maxi. too hard to choose just one.

Emilee said...

I like the Ariana dress

Kim said...

I love the Makenna maxi dress.

athena.d said...

shared via twitter 4/19

athena.d said...

shared via facebook 4/19

Krista said...

I like the Ellie dress, in blue!

Anonymous said...

I love the daisy dress in blue!

Anonymous said...

I like your blog on FB!

Glogirl said...

I'd love to have the Lillian dress!


Glogirl said...

I Like Mikarose on FB. (Amy M)


Glogirl said...

I pinned an item on Pinterest:


Glogirl said...



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