Well, you've asked for it so here are the gazillion pictures from our vacation to Utah...enjoy:)
THis is actually the day before we left..I just thought it was a cute one of them :)

First day outside in Utah...freezing! Heading to my sister, Katie's, house

That's just gross....Jenny got tongue-lashed

Chef Emma

Grandpa and Kate

Grandma and Emma

Emma's first snow adventure! Daddy getting her all suited up

Katie and Kate :)

Nephews Carter and Collin

Grandpa and Carter in snowball fight

Mike, Katie and Abby

Emma Sledding!

Me....what? I'm just getting a picture of the mountains!

Kindra and Katie

Christmas Eve Day!

Blizzard!! We were going to go to Temple square that night but the weather told us otherwise

Having fun indoor times for Christmas Eve,
Emma and her cousin, Abby

Emma, Carter and Abby

My Brother, Jake's, kids, Collin and Abby

Brother JC and Emma
Christmas Day view of all the presents!!

Here's the front room of my house, with my mom's special tree and her houses that she collects...obsessed much?

Emma opening a present

A book! She loves it :)

Abby showing off the tutu I made for her...she looks just like Jake when he was a baby!

Kindra modeling the tutu I made for her! Purple is her favorite color!
Our neighbor has horses and allowed us to come visit and feed them. Emma trekking down to the horses

And a classic "kid eating snow" picture

Auntie Jenny playing with my girls...Jenny is so good with the kids!

Ok so here's a picture of our first "home" for Joe and I in Provo...we lived down in the basement, the front half...it was SOOO small and pretty much clasterphobic...But at the time, we couldn't complain: 1 bedroom apt for $350!

One afternoon we all went to the movies and saw national Treasure 2. It's a familiy tradition to go to the movies on holiday breaks.
Here's the "Terry Original": Jake, John-Charles, Michael, Katie, Jenny and Me :)
Great times!

One evening, Joe and I went bowling. We went to Jack and Jill's bowling alley, which is the local alley where i'm from. I'm not posting scores because we promised eachother not to :)
Next morning we went to Cabela's in Lehi for Emma to explore. Huge store and fun stuff...lots of animals..
Last night there, we had our last family dinner at the Smokehouse...pretty good stuff. Joe and I were excited to share a Chicken Alfredo pizza but was a little disappointed...(The best we've ever had is the homemade "Green Mountain Pizza" which thank you Jaime for introducing us to that!!)

Here's a cute pic of Emma, Kindra and Collin on the window ledge..somewhere where they're not supposed to be!!

After dinner, for dessert, a few of us hit the "C.O.N.E" (Creamery on Ninth East). I frequently went here during my studies at BYU and also worked there for about a year...I probably gained too many lbs. working there! But it was delicious! Nothing bests BYU ice cream!
So there you have it! Our fun times in Utah! We honestly don't know the next time we'll venture out there so i'm glad we were able to this year! Thanks Dad!!
Love all the pictures. That was fun to look through.
One question...how many different coats and hats does Emma have?? Just curious:)
I've noticed that Jenny seems to be great with little kids. What a perfect Aunt!!
Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I'm happy you had a white Christmas this year. I love snow. I always want to live where there's SOME snow.
Your mom's Christmas village is outragous!! I've never seen anything like that. How fun!!! How did you keep Emma away from it???
Thanks for posting all those even though I'm sure it took about 3 hours!!
go read my blog comment, retardo!
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