thrifty thursdays.

Welcome to this week's thrifty thursdays!
Thanks to those who linked up last week!
Here's a view of what was linked:

Thanks guys!  Grab a feature button above under the buttons page!!

Ok my turn!!

What a week for me.  Craigslist has been awesome!!
I found a bunk bed for $15!  It was so cheap because it doesn't have siderails or a ladder.  Sheesh, I can make those!  I plan on  sanding, painting, distressing and all that fun stuff :)

Then I found a cute little book shelf for $10 and then she threw in the chair for $2!
I'll go into detail about what's on the book shelf in another post :)

I hit Sal's 50% day last friday and got awesome deals:
Ok best deal ever!  I got 5 pillow cases for .30 cents each!
Sheets were only .75!

I also got my book wreath supplies too on the same trip!

Linking this to THESE parties!

Alright, now my fav. part!
I want to see your thrifty finds!!
Please grab a button and add it to your post or blog or page, so others can find us and join too!
I seriously love to see what people find.
Next week, i'll feature those who link up :)

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Elizabeth said...

Way to go on the bunkbed! That's awesome. I hope I can find one like that sometime in the next couple of years! But what are the odds that both of us would score a bunkbed for FIFTEEN DOLLARS?! That's crazy.

So, I've been itching to go thrifting for a little while... but I figure I should wait til my newborn isn't quite so "new" ya know? But I totally had a dream about shopping a thrift store this afternoon! (It was like the dream store...clean with tons of great furniture!) Haha... Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I read your post right before going to lay down. ;)

Holly Lefevre said...

Stopping by from TGC hop. Love a thrifty find...I was drawn to the vintage sheets - oh lucky lady! I ama new follower.
504 Main

Christa said...

I'm with Holly - I love those sheets! It doesn't matter how many vintage sheets I manage to add to my stash, I always read other people's blog posts and see another print I'd love to find. :) Maybe it's a sickness??

Scarlett said...

Oh im loving those3 sheets - im a sucker for vintage sheet, duvery covers and pillow cases (also have a soft spot for curtains too) Scarlett x

Decor To Adore said...

Great finds ~lucky girl!

I am having an antique auction on my blog. All sorts of lovely and romantic finds looking for a new home. I hope you'll stop by.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Great finds! Love the bunk beds but the sheets and pillowcases...score. I think the bookcase might be my fav find this week. Thanks for joining JFF. hugs, Linda

katie jean said...

LOVE that aqua chair! I think I might have let out a little scream of my own when I saw it. Good thing I'm home by myself :)

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

The pillowcases and sheets are gorgeous, and what a bargain!

Rachel // Maybe Matilda said...

I am beyond jealous of those sheets and pillowcases--beautiful! I wish I had something to add, but no thrift store shopping for me this week :-( Cute blog! I found you on the girl creative's blog hop :-)


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love the pretty sheets! You got some great buys! WOW! ♥

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

Thanks for stopping by and linking to the Vintage Blog Link Party!! I just added my thrifty find :)

Katie said...

I am jealous of those thrifted sheets, I love vintage linens the designs are just somehow prettier!

Stacey B said...

I'm super jealous of the chair but I also can't wait to hear about the items on the shelf!

Debbie Baker Burns said...

I love the blue chair and those pretty sheets. I'm a big thrifter and I think it would be fun to link up some Thursday. I found your blog on In the Hammock Vintage.

Unknown said...

I just found your linky (and blog...where have I been?) today! Hope it's okay that I linked up a "I love thrifting here's what I've found!" general blog post. Love all those vintage sheets! Great colors. Off to add your link to my blog. Thanks for hosting!

Michelle from Fun On A Dime said...

What fun finds! Someday I will find that special bunkbed to redo and have fun with...until then I'll save some space and my kids will stay in their toddler beds! It's sad, but oh, such a space saver!

Thanks for linking up to Friday Brag Fest!

Melissa said...

That is so much fun. Thanks for sharing over at Tuesday Tell All.

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