thrifty thursdays #5.

Wahoo!  So many link-ups.  So many treasures that I love to see.
Thanks ladies!

Ok here's a few from last week's party:

I'm a mom, not a professional made this thrifty wreath.  You will not believe what she made it out of!

i'm a sucker for vintage sheets!  
Look at this Pinwheel Quilt made by Frugal Ideas from the Parsonage.

A wonderful Thrifty Redo right down my alley by Ruffles & Ric Rac

Joyful Treasure Hunting found these vintage avon bottles that are so neat!

An Iowa Expat Wanders about the South found this really cool lamp and even rewired it!

LIve Green Love Much found some wonderful array of bottles!

Wonderful stuff this week guys!
I love your style!
Grab yourself a button :)

So  I was able to head over to Apple Annie's Antique Mall, which is apparently the biggest Antique mall on the West Coast...or maybe bigger?  And it's 5 minutes from my house!  Don't be jealous, please...
This place is amazing!  It would take days to hit every space.
Through my wanderings, I found some really cool vendors.  

I got a few things that day:
Fabric!  I will show you what i'll be doing with these soon, I promise!
each of those bundles were $2.

I found this hardback Barnes & Noble Mother Goose edition.  Perfect condition for $4!

But i'm going back.  I found this amazing light for my son's room that I wanted to bad but was over my stupid budget!  Anyways, it better be there when I come back!

I'm linking to THESE parties!

Now the fun part!
Link up any thrifty find, redo, antiques, or just anything thrifty!
Please grab a button and add it to the post or blog so that others can follow along too!
Link specific posts and not the main blog :)
I'll pick a few to feature who have a button or link back next week!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


is it just me or is 2011 just flying by?
I can't believe March is almost over.  And not too much is going on around here.
pretty boring really.
Joe's practice is getting all their loose ends tied up.  Trying to get the word out and get new patients.
I'm finally finding "me" time again with things I like to do and a new ward calling.
but let's not forget my most important calling...mommy dearest.
My 3 little kids are busy, energetic and they all want lots of attention.
So we're trying to balance everything still.  But I think we're getting there slowly.

Here are some random pics of the month:
timer shot

I was playing around with my new camera.

 snot shot. & kate was making funny faces in the mirror.

These are when me and the girls were locked out of the house for 1 1/2 while Luke was inside running amuck.  For the most part, he watched us through the window.  Don't ask me why I had my's a long story...but by the end, he knew something was amiss and wanted us to come inside.

Luke's our little architect.  He did this whole tower by himself and added even more cans after these pics.

We like to use our fire stove.  It's fun to see everything burn.  And the kids know to not go by it  because it gets really hot,..I mean REALLY HOT!
I love these pictures.  So peaceful and serene.

Other than these, Joe's working and just got a calling as 12-14 yr sunday school out!
I'm "working" at home & getting ready for a craft fair.  
Emma's in Preschool and just started T-Ball.
Kate is doing fabulous at church and loves to sing.
Luke is doing great in nursery (they let him in at 15 month with our supervision because there are only 3 kids in there right now!  So being only 17 months, he's a nursery pro) and was w/o a parent for the third hour last week.  He is 100% boy and like to tease, get into mischief & mud puddles. 
That's us in a nutshell for this month.

tidy-up tuesdays: DIY ribbon rack tutorial.

Here's my new ribbon rack...
So remember this gun rack(?) I got at Sal's the other week for $1.99?

I was in the neighborhood for another ribbon holder & 
it reminded me of the last one I made so I went to work.

Got it sanded down...

And spray painted it an off-white color.

Then got some patterned paper and modge podge...

Did some measurements...

Cut some paper...

Modge podged the paper on and did some trimming...

Inserted my dowels and ribbon and placed them on the rack!


So nice to get the ribbons in one place!
My craft room is one step closer to being done!

So how do you organize or store your ribbons?
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