THis past Monday, the Rodeo was around and it was Dollar Days, so we took advantage since Joe didn't have school! And luckily, we can now say that we've been to the rodeo in San Antonio!
Girls eager to get there...I htink I heard the word "animal" at least a hundred times!
Girls eager to get there...I htink I heard the word "animal" at least a hundred times!
There were little pig races! The girls loved them..
Merry Go Round! I have never seen Emma this excited and happy in. my. life. This was after the ride, but let me tell you, I was laughing so hard from her laughing.
Kate was a little cautious but she loved it too.
Emma's first time trying out Cotton Candy...not really liking it. But we ran into the Smith's (both families) & Ellis's, so that was nice. Their kids all looked "cowboy'd" up. THis was after we had our $1 hotdogs..YUM
Petting Zoo!
I meant to tell you that I didn't realize you had called until we left the rodeo. Sorry about that. I wish Micaela could have had some friends to enjoy the carousel with. Glad you guys had fun. (At least it looks like it.)
Looks like a good time was had by all at the rodeo! The girls are so cute and so big. I can't believe how grown up Emma is. And Kate, wow--they're both adorable.
That's one thing I regret not doing before we moved--the rodeo. I'm glad you guys went and had fun.
Lyssa - your girls are so cute, and growing up! Kate and those big cheeks - she's adorable. The rodeo looks like tons of fun. Who doesn't love a petting zoo and racing pigs? I'm sad we weren't able to do this before we moved.
Some how we missed the pig races...but we loved the petting zoo too!
So fun to see you guys there. I didn't think it was too busy for it being a holiday and dollar days. We had a great time.
I'm so bummed we didn't go! I've wanted to since last February. Oh well, I guess there is always next year. (or at least two more years)
What a great family day! I love days like that. We need to do more. I can not get over how grown up Kate looks!! She turned into a toddler over night!!!
Your girls are cute like always and look great too Lys!! I miss you tons. I don't like not knowing when the next time I will see you is. You will have to keep me posted on your trips to UT:)
By the way I loved your humor in this post. I needed a smile tonight...thanks!
everyone's pictures looks like it was so fun!! Why did we not go?!
Am I depriving my child already? or is ignorance bliss?? :)
Who's to say? hA!
Looks like fun! Those dollies of yours are SOOO cute!!! I love their little hoodies!
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