Our fatty has been growing up. She is now 6 months old today!! I can't believe it's already been half a year since I had her. I feel like it was just barely but with 2 kids, things really go by so fast. I went to her 6 month docter's appointment and she is now sitting at 50% in both height and weight. Coming from 90% to 50% is quite a change. I'm actually really glad she's tapering off. I don't think I could handle picking her up! But she's great, happy and healthy! And to add, she sleep EXCELLENT last night. From 7 pm to 7 am. This is a big deal to me since for the past couple of weeks, she's been waking up between 5-6 and staying awake! I've been altering her schedule, cutting out a nap, making her fall asleep on her own and doing solids so there has been a lot going on! So I am just hoping and praying that all this altering is fixing the problem :)
At 6 months, she is sitting up with assistance. She's eating solids just fine. Twisting all around. Grabbing her legs and feet. Almost rolling from back to tummy. Grabs things and puts them in her mouth. Babbles and laughs with Emma. Overall, she's just getting more interested in the world around her. She's much more alert and aware of us. We love her so much! I am so blessed to have her in our family. She brings such a sweet, beautiful presence in our home. Happy 6 months Kate!
I came into her room after she took a nap because she sounded distressed. I found her like this, trying to "eat" the bars of the crib. She's so silly!
so freaking cute! and u have to play like that with me when i come down... :)
Kate is so cute. She almost looks like she could be the next Gerber baby! LOL PS why does your playlist include Ashlee Simpson?
Yeah, it doesn't seem like she should be 6 months already. I am dieing to give that Chubbs McKate a big hug!! She's so adorable!
Happy six months Kate! The nickname is so cute. She really is stretching and thinning out. Ahhh, I need to start coming to playgroups to see the little people!
So stinkin' cute! Time seriously does fly doesn't it? That will be so fun when Emma can start to play with Kate more. Have you been able to stick with the cold turkey cut of TV watching? Your girls are so darling and fun to watch grow!
I love your girls' dimples. Just like their daddy.
Chubby babies are the best :) I wouldn't know what to do with a baby without roles! Emerson hit 20 lbs by 4 months!
Hey, thanks for your input about the recipes. I took a look at the recipe site and added a few to my collection that I want to try--they all looked so good! ANyways, if you want all of the ones I collected, email me your email address and I will send them all your way. (geilmans@gmail.com).
She is just adorable. He smile could light up any room!
She still looks pretty chubby to me. She and Gray must be on the same diet--chubbs only!
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