Post about Emma

Oh Emma Emma with her has been the best of times & the worst of times. Lately, I"ve been looking at her and just amazed at how big she is now. She's talking so well too. She's not my little baby. She's a little girl.

I remember when we were transitioning her to a toddler bed. It was a tough process for the first couple of days. All you can really do is just stick her on the bed, tell her "K time for naps, here's your new bed!" And then leave. It sounds mean but it's just like crying it out...anyways, by that time, we had the video monitor set up and I went and watched her. I started bawling for multiple reasons. First, I was pregnant with Kate and due any day. Second, I hate when Emma is in a situation where she's confused and scared but I can't really do anything to help her since in the long run, I know it'll be fine, but at the moment, not so fine. I hate watching her sitting on the bed, wanting to move but so unfamiliar with what's going on that she stays put. And third, it hit me that she was sleeping in a bed! At that point, the crib life was all we both knew so it was hard for the both of us. My little baby was growing up!

So now, with Kate apart of our family now, my attention is split between the two girls. I have found that I have limited patience with Emma. I don't know why. Maybe she just knows the buttons to push,, or that perfect octave that just gets to me...or maybe its the independence that she's gained to try to change her own poopy diapers ALWAYS...or it could be the difficulty she is giving me in potty training? I will never know. But what I do know is that I love her. Although we are going through different experiences now with a 2 1/2 year old, I just still melt when she looks at me and smiles, with those big eyes and dimples. She isn't sweet to me ALL the time, which is hard to be sweet back :) but I have to remember that she's going through a rough stage in her emotional development. I need to help her through it. I want her to realize that I am here to help and guide her through these scary times.

I think the reason I've been putting real thought into all this is because of 2 weekends ago. We were at our apartment pool. Emma was playing in the water on the steps, then she'd come out and play with some dead bugs etc etc. Joe, Kate and I were sitting on the side, watching her and talking. Some boys were there swimming and playing as well. At one point, they were sitting on the ledge by the step, kicking the water. Emma came to join in. Of course we were watching her but the one time we both were looking at Kate, Emma fell into the pool. I realized that I couldn't hear the kicking and looked over. I could see her struggling to swim under the water. I freaked out, panicked and ran over, jumped in and brought her out. Thinking back, it seemed that the whole series of events was so long but in reality, was only like 5 seconds. Luckily, she was fine, no inhaling of water. Seconds later, after she coughed out some water, she wanted to play again. Me, on the other hand, was bawling, asking her if she was alright. Of course it was worse on me. I mean, I almost died from drowning when I was four and the experience is still pretty clear in my head. I didn't htink I would get this tramatized but I did. It freaked me out! Even that night, I would just start crying, just thinking of what could have happened, or just how dissappointed I was that I wasn't watching her the whole time or that she didn't have a life jacket on. It was just scary. So since then, I have looked at Emma differently. It has helped me to realize that she's my little girl here on earth and it is my priviledge to take care of her.
Well anyways, I just wanted to dedicate this post to Emma since I love her and want her to always be happy and silly. I say silly because she's starting to act like a cat or snake. It's just so funny...anyways, Love you Emma Bethers!


Your Own Personal Jenny said...

I found Emma easy to please with the bribery of Cookies!!! that seemed to work wonders for me when i was staying with you.

annie and jared said...

so sweet, she really is beautiful lyssa. that is really scary about the pool, it could have happened to anyone so don't beat yourself up about it. i know what it is like to feel guilty about your baby getting hurt though, once i accidently let olive's bath water get to hot (only for a split second) but i felt so bad that i bawled for about 2 hours, and she only cried for about 20 seconds! anyways, you are a GREAT mom and she is adorable.

Creatively Inclined Moms said...

I liked reading your post, I feel the same way with Isaac now that we have Carly. And yes Isaac had done the pool thing to and I did cry that night.... it's hard to think about what could have happened. You're right when you say they are sooo much fun!!!

katie t said...

Leezal...first of are a great mom! all parents would be lying if they said that there patience did not at times run thin! we, as parents, always make the "situation" worse then they, the kids, do! the drowning incident is very clear in my mind as well and i am still very humbled at what went down. i love my sis, leezal beth, and can't imagine what i would do not having her, YOU, here! plus, my san an adventure countdown has begun!!! thanks for this post because it also helps me to realize a few things that i need to change!?!

Tyler and Erin said...

She is getting so big. She is beautiful. I know exactly what you mean by how we are privileged to raise these kids. One of my friends neighbors had one of there kids die in his sleep the other day from vomitting/seizure/aspiration. Ever since I've heard this news I've been thinking non-stop about how lucky I am to have Peyton and that I need to enjoy every minute. Don't beat yourself too much about the swimming pool incident. We've all made mistakes. I let Peyton fall out of her stroller when she was only 3months. I was helping my sister catch chickens and when I went back she was on the cement. I didn't know if the cats go to her or how she got to the ground since she could barely wiggle on her own at that point but I felt horrible for weeks. Sorry this is so long but I love to hear that other mom's are going through similar situations as me. I know once I have two kids I'll be looking to you for all my advice like I do already with just my one. You are a great mom!

Kajsa said...

what a great post! you put that so beautifully! being a mom isnt always easy but its so worth it. im glad everything was fine with the pool but dont feel bad:) your girls are darling!

Marc, Michelle, Jackson, and Bennett said...

She is such a cute girl, definitely not a little baby anymore. It has really been hard on me lately realizing thatI don't have a little baby anymore. He is of course not as old Emma, but older and bigeger than a baby. They grow up so fast! How scary about her at the pool! I am sure I would have freaked out if Jackson had done somehting like that too. But don't feel bad, you really are a great mother. Things just happen sometimes and you have to just learn from it (if there is something to learn) and then just keep going. Know that I think you are a fantastic mom and your girls are adorable.

Courtney Luff said...

I don't even dare go to the pool with the twins!!! I am so glad nothing major happened to Emma and that she just kept on going like nothing happened!! You are a great mom....I guess now you can add Olympic swimmer to your resume!

Take care

Hillery said...

It seems like Emma was just a baby. I can't imagine how fast it's gone by for YOU!! I had a "I'm a bad mom, how did I let that happen?" experience the other day. I'm guess that won't be the last! Nice to know I'm not the only one!

The Blaisdell Family said...

That's really scary Lyssa! Unfortunately sometimes it takes freaky things like this to appreciate what we have right in front of us every day!!

Pictures in my mind and memories of Josh having that seizure 1 week before I gave birth to Ryan will always haunt me, but at the same time it helps me remember life is short and to be thankful for the time we DO have together. Also to take a chill pill and remember he is just a kid after all and not to take things so serious with him at times. Those poor first born, they put up with a lot!!

Glad everything turned out for the better. She really is a sweet little girl and a great blessing to your family!!

Christine said...

Yeah, that happened at the play group last summer with Nathan. I cried off on and on the rest of the day. My mom just kept telling me that I was a wonderful mother and didn't do anything wrong. I just kept thinking I almost lost another one. It is okay to feel bad, just know that you are a truly wonderful mother and were right there, and she was only under long enough to get her hair wet. Sounds like she wasn't traumatized at all. Miss you guys! I'll see you soon.

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