Breaks are fun but it's nice to get back into the routine of life. And I'm glad we're home now because Kate has entered the "teeth" stage of her life. Along with that comes the fevers and cries, moodswings and just overall crankiness! She's like a completely different baby! Ususally, when anyone is around's like she's not even there when she's happy. Everyone is always like "Where's Kate?" "Oh, she's in the car seat over there." She will just sit there and observe everyone. Yet NOT this week. And she's also had a bad case of the sniffles that she got from Emma. And so i'm kind of thinking that she might have an ear infection. It just seems way worse than teething issues. We're going to the Dr.'s tomorrow morning to check it out.
Emma and I are getting over minor colds too. But she's FINALLY getting her naps back. She's sleeping everyday for an hour and a half to two hours so it's been a nice break to have one on one time with both girls.
Emma and I are getting over minor colds too. But she's FINALLY getting her naps back. She's sleeping everyday for an hour and a half to two hours so it's been a nice break to have one on one time with both girls.
And I love how Joe is gearing up for his last month of school !! I can tell that he's having to deal with less and less since he's home more and more. That is great for us and the girls. Both have a special bond with him. Kate is getting more aware of him and loves to just watch him play with Emma. Kate is also starting to scoot forward...not quite a crawl but it's getting there. And she's getting so smart! (sorry, bragging-mom time !) She's like a little copy cat. She'll watch me clap or pat my lap and she'll copy me. Even when I say words, like daddy or mommy, she'll copy the sounds too. It's just amazing how fast she's growing up! She's not the tiny, feeble baby anymore!
Here's some fun pics from the last week.
Emma got "Kate's Snacks" and dumped them on the tray. So when I came back from the bathroom, they were having a buffet.
ugg you sound like Steve "it's nice to get back into the routine of life." So I never felt that way, and was proud of it, until I had Holland! We took a weekend trip to a cabin to go snowmobiling and seriously I couldn't WAIT to get back. Not that it wasn't fun, but you underestimate how much you love their own crib and swing and toys and your own bed...etc. etc. etc. I love that photo of Kate wrapped up in her towel. I love how your girls are so smiley so then they can show of those adorable dimples! How old is Kate again?
You obviously had a fun Spring Break and I can't believe how much Kate has grown. She and Kate are so cute! And finally, only having 1month left of 3rd year??? YEAAAHHH!!!
I agree, it is always nice to get back on track after a break. It's crazy how stressed out we, as moms, seem to get and want a break but then are excited to get back to "what we do"!!
Hope everyone keeps getting better. I feel for little Kate and hope her teeth come through fast!
Kate looks so different in all these pictures. She's looking a lot more grown up that's for sure. And Emma on the trampoline looks SO long! Maybe it's just the picture, but she's looking so grown up too!!
Glad Emma's back on naps. Enjoy that time while it lasts!
Your family is so cute. Good luck with teething. It seems to last forever too. I am a big believer in the routine too. I don't like getting thrown off.
Vacations are fun but I love getting back into a routine. My day seems to go a lot smother when I'm in a routine. Your family is darling as ever. I love the picture of the girls and daddy on the tramp. I also love kates morning face. SO SWEET and CUTE.
Your girls are getting so big! I love the picture of them with Joe in the tramp and the last on of Kate. Her little tongue is so cute!
We hope she is feeling better and that she doesn't have an ear infection!
You have such an adorable family! I especially love that both of your girls have dimples!!
Good luck with the teething. I swear ear infections come with the teething. Yuck!
Yeah, coming home from break is like detox. And it looks like Sadie has taken Kate's place as president of the Chub Club. And brag all you want about lil' skinny Kate - she's deserves it!
hey lyssa! lisset here! thanks for stopping by my blog! your girls are absolutely darling. i can't believe you have two!!
Hey it is Ali Terry. I am glad you found our blog, it is great to be in touch through blogging. I have never seen your girls, they are adorable! Sounds like things are going well for your family. Take care.
Oh I love when summer break starts getting close... Your girls are getting so big, they have the best cheeks ever!
How is your craft blog going?
ok that picture of you holding kate in her towel is the cutest thing ever, i love those dimples so much!
What a beautiful family you have! Seriously, does Joe have a gun to keep away the boys?
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