So what did we do, you ask? We went to Sea World!! I was so excited because, yes we have been to Sea World many times but with kids. So that meant purely the rides! The park was open until 10 so we had about 2 good hours to run amuck through Sea World. Plus they are doing Hallow-scream. They've got the park creepily decorated and they even had a haunted forest!! Right when we got there, we ran...seriously, we were running (the chances of going to Sea World again without kids for us are really really slim so we wanted to ride everything we were wanting to before the park closed) to start going on rides.
Our first ride was the Steel Eel. That was crazy! I was nervous/ excited since it's been a couple of years since my rollar coaster days...mainly from Lagoon and they don't have anything like the Steel Eel there. And Joe made me put my arms up the whole time..which was hard on the slopes since I felt like I was falling out! But it was so fun to do that! The next one we got on was the Great White? I think that's what it's called. On this ride, your feet dangle so that was fun. THis one had a couple of loops and crazy twists. It was really fun too. We both were just screaming and laughing. It was so fun to be all silly :)
We found out when we got there too that most of the rides closed at 9 so that's why we were running. So once we rode the best 2 coasters, we headed to the Haunted Forest. There was a pretty long line but it moved pretty fast. I expected it to be cheesy and not scary since there so were many people. Yet it had me jumping and screaming a great deal! It was pretty fun...and Joe and I have never been in a "haunted" activity like this! it was pretty fun to just have him there and grab when I got scared!
After that, we headed to Journey to Atlantis, the onl y ride open till 10. We were like the only 2 on the boat and we chose the wettest seats possible. The ride itself was pretty lame....but the huge splash at the end came as a huge shock ( I didn't expect it to be that splashy!) I was funny that we were drenched and it was pretty cool outside so we were freezing. Then we had enough time to go to the last show in the was a "scary" Shamu show or something like that. It was pretty cool.
Phew I just realized that I've been writing a novel!! I'll cut it here. But thank you thank you thank Courtney and Mark for babysitting and don't be surprised if we plan something again with you :) But seriously, I don't think you know how much I appreciated your offer!
I'm so glad you guys had a fun date night! We need to go to Sea World looks like so much fun. For some reason I didn't even know there were rides there!
That's funny. The Johnson's babysat for us one time and we went to the Hallowscream at Sea World too!! It really is the best thing to go do for a date if you haven't been out for a while! I screamed a lot too and maybe, just maybe, had a bad word slip when some freak grabbed me in the haunted house!! We had so much fun too.
I'm so happy you guys got out. Everyone deserves at least one good date after each baby is born!!! Glad you guys had fun. You both look so excited and happy to get out in those pictures. It's cute!!
I'm so glad that you guys got a night out to yourselves! Parents need it sometimes... It looks like you had a great time. I've never actually been to Sea World, but it looks like a blast.
I bet you had a "journey to Atlantis" being the only 2 pervs on the boat! Keep rubbing it in cause its not hurting any :(
It looks like you had fun and I am glad that you got a date night. Give Joe props for that!!!
ANYWAY...good night!
ps cute shirt
that's awesome Lyssa!! you guys look like you had so much fun!! and kudos on getting a picture of Shamu in the air, I can't never seem to do that!
Yeah! I'm so glad you had fun and got to spend time together. And seriously Kate was fine. She calmed down fast. Feel free to ask again, next time you guys need a date night! two are WAY too crazy! :) way to have a night out on the town...or with shamu. Don't you love sea world?
I love that you put your arms up the entire time on the steel, THAT is crazy! :) way to go!
I'm super proud!
We loved Sea World at Halloween. So glad you two got to go by yourselves and enjoy some alone time. You're looking good for just having had a baby!
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