Ode to my Laptop

So my biggest fear became a reality yesterday morning.  My laptop computer has finally bit the dust.  I knew it was coming but I just didn't know when and I was hoping it would have been further down the road but what are you going to do?
Here's my Eulogy:

My cheap laptop, oh how i'll miss,
You got me through college and all that wedding bliss. 

You lived a great life, full of papers and surfing,
blogging and postings and edits and indulging.

You lived a long life, 5 whole long years!
It was a great journey but you've got old gears!

So long my old friend, good luck to what's to come,
I'll be patiently waiting till December (boo hoo!) for a new one...

Argh..that's right.  It's a sad truth to be told.  We can't afford buying anything right now with what's coming up with Joe's applications and interviews in the coming months...so with that said..
My blogging entries will probably decrease quite a bit.  My only access to a computer is when Joe gets home and when's he's done using it..which isn't that much.  But I hope to get a few out that I have pics for soon...soon, my pet, soon....


Jonny and Suzette Baird said...

Ha Ha lyssa you are so funny! man, you are such a good little momma to your electronics, I just get mad and her you are writing a sweet poem to your laptop, ha ha ! you kill me!

Tim and Jennifer said...

Sad! My dell died on me, but then I got a MAC!! Get a mac they are the best. May the laptop rest in peace.

Cairen said...

Loved the poem, sad story....Not having a computer is so not fun!

Lindsay said...

I just got a new computer because my laptop would shut down like every 5 minutes! It was 5 years old too and I was just hoping and hoping it would last longer, but it didn't. It's hard being with out a computer.

ME said...

oh my goodness....that WOULD be a nightmare!!!

love the poem....you are so creative!!!! ha ha!!!

Kat Curtis said...

Nice poem! Oh computers - the bane (and blessing) of my existence. We got a new desktop earlier this year, and now Jeremy's laptop is on the fritz. That will make desktop #2 and laptop #2 since we've been married when we finally break down to get a new one. Good luck with that! And good luck with applications too - happy last year of dental school!!

katie t said...


that means one less commenter!!!!!

hehehe i will still look every day :)

Linsay Jarvis said...

haha I love the ode.

Courtney said...

That sucks! Mine died once too, then 6 mos later I actually got it fixed and it was a simple problem. Not that I remember what it was. But I know it sucked, esp trying to use Mark's comp. Near impossible!!

Jazmin said...

SO SAD! I'm here for you if you need a shoulder to cry on or a laptop to borrow! SHE WILL BE MISSED.

annie and jared said...

ha ha, no but really that sucks, sorry. i would love to get together. call me 913-4501. i want to see your beautiful girls in person.

The Kerr Family said...

Love your poem--you're very talented and quite the rhymer!
I'm sad to hear that your beloved laptop has "bit the dust".
Here's hoping the Joe finishes his work quickly each night.

melimba said...

that blows!
so sorry about the lost laptop---sad to not see posts from you that frequently either?! WHAT WILL WE DO??

maybe you should have a bake sale and then you can make delicious goodies and we can buy them so you can get yourself a new computer. deal? deal.

hey, have fun in utah! how long are you going for?? BRING SOME JACKETS! I forgot to bring long pants and long sleeves for Matilda...let's just say, we had to purchase a few new outfits so she wouldn't die from freeze-ation. (yes, that is SO a word).

ok? good. have SO much fun.

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